Information for Engineering Calculus II, 22m:41, Fall 1997


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Assignment lists:

 Assignment 1

Assignment 2

Assignment 3

Assignment 4

Assignment 5

 Assignment 6

Assignment 7

Assignment 8

Assignment 9



There will be two midterm exams at approximately 4-5 week intervals, dates to be arranged, and a comprehensive final exam. The text of the exams will appear here after the exam has been done by all students.

First midterm, 1997

Second midterm, 1997

Final exam, 1997

Mathematica demos on the Web.

You can get my Mathematica demos via the world wide web. These files are in Mathematica 3.0 notebook format and require the Mathematica 3.0 application.

To use these demos, save the files to disk and then open them with Mathematica 3.0. When the files open, you will see a dialogue box which asks whether you want to automatically execute all initialization cells; be sure to click the "yes" button.

In case this dialogue does not appear, then first go to the "kernel" menu, then to the "evaluation" submenu, and then choose "evaluate notebook".

Experiment with modifying the examples in order to compute your own examples.

Demonstration 1: direction fields

Demonstration 2: families of solution curves

Graphics for Homework 1

Solution of higher order constant coefficient linear ODE'S

Use of Laplace transforms

Help with Mathematica:

Version 3.0 of Mathematica has an extensive on-line help feature with tutorials to help you get started and the Mathematica documentation on-line.

Here are some home-made tutorials which can help you get started.. Save these tutorials to disk and then open them with Mathematica 3.0.

Tutorial 1: getting started.

Tutorial 2: using Mathematica as a calculator.

Tutorial 3: Symbolic computations in Mathematica.

Tutorial 4: Graphing with Mathematica.