1. The Engineering system support group has apparently fixed the problem which we have experienced with corrupted files. In order to run Mathematica with their fix, start Mathematica by typing mathcalc at the unix command line.
2. It is important that when you save your work, you use the file menu item "Save" or "Save as" rather than "Save special as..." in order to save the file as a Mathematica notebook which can be looked using the Mathematica program.
3. If you submit your homework by email, it is slightly more convenient for me if you send your Mathematica notebook as an attachement to your email.
I have set up a second (prefered) way in which you can submit electronic homework, namely by ftp (file transfer protocol). You each have a password protected ftp "drop box" set up on a math department computer. You will need to use a user name and password to access your drop box. The user name is your family name (first letter capitalized). Your password for the ftp drop box is the last 5 digits of your student identification number (social security number). There will be a mechanism for changing the password, to be explained later.
The "remote machine" to which you need to ftp is .
To use ftp from a unix machine you type, at the unix prompt:
Then give your user name and password as prompted. A typical ftp session (edited) is reproduced below. Useful ftp commands (usable after you log on) are
pwd ---- report the current directory (on the remote machine)
ls --- list contents of the current directory (one the remote machine)
put myfile --- send a file called "myfile" to the remote machine
get yourfile --- receive a file called "yourfile" from the remote machine
quit --- quit the ftp session
To use ftp from a PC or Macintosh, use an ftp client program. For example, on Macintosh, a frequently used program is called Fetch. The interface on these programs is typically visual or driven by dialogue boxes.
Typical Unix ftp session, in which a student John Student logs on and transmits a file:
Connected to
Name ( Student
331 User name okay, need password.
Password: (type in password here; it will not be visable as you type)
230 User logged in, proceed.
Remote system type is UNIX.
ftp> pwd
257 "/" is current directory
ftp> put homework2.nb
200 Port command OK.
150 Opening connection
226 Transfer Complete
10313 bytes sent in 0.00 seconds (9883.50 Kbytes/s)
ftp> ls
200 Port command OK.
150 Opening connection
total 1
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 9951 Aug 29 18:31 homework2.nb
226 Transfer Complete
ftp> quit
221 Closing connection