Instructor: Fred Goodman
Office: 325G McLean Hall
Phone: 335-0791 (office), 331-1939 (mobile)
Office Hours: tba
Course goals:
Concrete study of the classical matrix groups over the complex numbers, and their representations
Goodman and Wallach, Representations and Invariants of the Classical Groups (out of print).
Course plan:
We will cover the basics of the classical groups and their representations.
Requirements and grading :
No homeworks, no exams, no serious evaluation.
Attendance and absences:
Regular attendance will be expected and a show of interest will be expected.
Complaint procedure:
I hope and expect that you will have a good time, work a lot and learn a lot in this course. If you have concerns or complaints about any aspect of the course, please discuss these with me. If we are not able to resolve the difficulty, please contact the Chair of the Department of Mathematics, room 14 Maclean Hall.
Required information from the College of Liberal Arts:
The College of Liberal Arts requires certain information to be available on every course syllabus. Follow this link to obtain this information.
Fred Goodman