Instructor: Frederick M.Goodman
Office: 325G McLean Hall
Phone: 335-0791 (office)
email: goodman at math dot uiowa dot edu
Office Hours: To be arranged.
Knowledge of basic ideas and techniques of multivariable calculus and applications.
Assignments, course information, and electronic "handouts" will be provided on the web page.
8:30 am B01 131 SH, TA: Arvind Rao
2:30 pm B02 205 MLH, TA: Arvind Rao
3:30 pm B03 218 MLH, TA: Galen Cook-Wiens
4:30 pm B04 118 MLH, TA: Galen Cook-Wiens
Discussion sections meet in the Engineering computer class 1245 SC (Engineering Building) on the following Tuesdays: Tue 27 Jan, Tue 10 Feb, Tue 17 Feb, Tue 30 Mar.
Exam #1: 7 pm Thurs 26 Feb,
W151 PBB 156 seats (Galen's sections)
40 SH 96 seats (Arvind's sections)
I will write the exam to take about an hour. You can stay 1 + 1/2 hours if necessary.
Exam #2: 7 pm Thu 22 Apr, room to be announced
Tutors will be available in room 310 MLH and from the general Engineering tutoring service.
The schedule will be posted here.
Required text: Interactive Multivariable Calculus by Keith Stroyan
(includes a CD with additional "live" eText in Mathematica NoteBooks)
Text & CD available at Zephyr copies 124 E. Washington St.
To read the "live" eText at home, obtain MathReader free from
You have an account on the engineering computing network ... if you don't know your password go to the engineering main computing office, 1256 SC
The "ITCs" around campus are supposed to have Mathematica installed on them, but the technical service in the ITCs has been limited in the past. If you have a favorite ITC that you prefer to the Engineering Labs, give it a try and let me know if you're having trouble with Mathematica there. The Engineering Labs (1200+ SC) work fairly reliably.
You can obtain MathReader free from if you have your own computer and a network connection. This will allow you to read the class notes and weekly electronic homework NoteBooks, but will not allow you to perform computations.
The student edition of Mathematica also available from Wolfram research will allow you to do computations on your own computer.
Note: The stand-alone version of Calculus Wiz includes most of Mathematica for $69, but is primarily for Calculus 1. Calculus Wiz is available free on the computers in room 310 MLH of the Math Tutorial Lab. (Calculus Wiz was written by Professor Stroyan, who also wrote the course text.)
will be assigned after each lecture and is due in discussion after a chance to discuss it:
Fri & Mon Lect discussed Tue, collected Thu,
Wed Lect discussed Thu, collected Tue
Homework will be collected at the beginning of dicsussion (since it was discussed at the previous discussion section.) Late work will not be accepted without doctor's excuse or the like. (But we will drop the 4 lowest homeworks.)
will be due by Wednesday midnight the week after it is assigned. Electronic homework is to be submitted to your "Blackboard 6" account, in the "digital dropbox" for your section. The electronic homework is usually easy, but builds skills needed for the "electronic exams," which are larger scale computer assignments.
Your grade will be based on several kinds of work as follows:
We expect you to attend lecture, discussion, and Lab and complete written and electronic homework on time. We will NOT accept late work without written medical excuses or the like.
Regular attendance will be expected. However, if you must miss class, you will still be responsible for the material discussed in class. You are responsible for announcements made in class, which may concern changes in the assignments, syllabus, exams, etc.
Absence from exams will require a compelling reason, and must be arranged in advance.
Students with disabilities are entitled to special arrangements; please contact me in order to arrange appropriate accomodations. (Requests for modifications of class requirements or testing must be made through the Student Disability Services office, 3100 Burge Hall.)
I hope and expect that you will have a good time, work a lot and learn a lot in this course. If you have concerns or complaints about any aspect of the course, please discuss these with me. If we are not able to resolve the difficulty, please contact the Chair of the Department of Mathematics, room 14 Maclean Hall.
Cheating will be dealt with in the harshest way allowed by University regulation.
We won't tolerate it. Just Don't Do It