Week #4: Total Derivatives and Tangent Planes, Directional Derivatives
September 13-17
Mon Lect: Review of the idea of linear approximation of curves and surfaces. The rate of change of a linear function of two variables. The tangent plane to the graph of a non-linear function of two variables and the tangent plane approximation.
Section 3.4 Exercises will not be collected, but we will have skill quizzes in discussion sections.
You can use Mathematica to check your differentiation skills.
Tue Disc: Computer Lab 1245 SC -Tangents & D[z,x], D[z,y]
Sally Jones should eSubmit a NoteBook to BalckBoard6 named "JonesSLab2.nb"
Make sure you submit to the course "Digital Dropbox" (not your personal one.)
Wed Lect: Directional Derivatives. The famous watermelon demonstration, and the definition of directional derivatives. Computation of directional derivatives via the formula . Computation of partial derivatives using rules for differentiation: product rule, chain rule, etc.
Due ...: Assignment: Sect 3.5 Ex 1(b), 2(b), 3(b), 4, 5(b)
Thu Disc:
Work partial differentiations carefully step-by-step for the homework problems. Carefully explain use of the product rule and chain rule. Write them out carefully. See Section 3.4.
Fri Lect: Summary of the week and examples: Three uses for : the tangent plane equation, directional derivative, and approximation.
Due ...: Sect 3.3 Ex.3; Sect 3.7 Ex.1
Created by Mathematica (October 2, 2004)