Week #7: Multiple Integrals in Cartesian Coordinates
October 4- 8
Computer Lab this Tuesday -- due the following Tuesday, October 12.
Computer Project 1 available online -- due in 2 weeks on Tuesday October 19
Mon Lect: Riemann sums over 2D regions,
Sect. 8.1 Ex.1, Sect. 8.2 Ex.1 ; Due on Thursday, Oct. 14
Tue Disc: Max-Min exercises. Review of techniques of integration (finding anti-derivatives).
Wed Lect: Integrals over rectangular regions and non-rectangular regions
Thu Disc: Double and iterated integrals.
Fri Lect: More examples of iterated integrals over non-rectangular regions
Sect. 8.2, Ex. 2, 3, 4, 5; Sect. 8.3, Ex. 1, 3, 4 Due Thursday, Oct. 14
Created by Mathematica (November 29, 2004)