1) The final exam will be on Monday Dec. 13 at 9:45
Rooms: 221 CB, 8:30 and 9:30 sections
Room 321 CB, 10:30 and 12:30 sections
2) Final exam from Spring 2004, click here.
3) Review sheet for final, click here.
The winner of the well-dressed professor award is congratulated by his students and a pumpkin.
4) Here is an interesting website with a complete multivariable calclus text online: click here.
Office:325G Maclean Hall phone: 335-0791 |
Email:goodman at math dot uiowa dot edu Please put "math 32" in the subject line. |
Office Hours:12:30-1:30 T and Th,325 G MLHOtherwise, by appointment
Paper Mail:Frederick GoodmanDepartment of Mathematics MLH The University of Iowa Iowa City, IA 52242 |
Class Hours:Lectures Mon, Wed, Fri: 2:30P - 3:20P 221 CB See syllabus for detailed information about discussion sections, etc. |
Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | |
9:30 |
10:30 |
11:30 | R. Ortiz |
J. Ortiz-Navarro |
12:30 | J. Ortiz-Navarro |
F. Goodman in 325G MLH |
R. Ortiz |
F. Goodman in 325G MLH |
1:30 |
R. Ortiz |
R. Ortiz |
2:30 |
(Lecture) |
J. Ortiz-Navarro |
(Lecture) |
J. Ortiz-Navarro |
(Lecture) |
3:30 | ||||||
6:00 |
7:00 |
8:00 |
Click here to read general course information.
Click here to read the weekly syllabus . This contains the actual schedule of lectures given and assignments.
Here is the projected course plan, roughly adapted from last semester's schedule. It contains rough week by week information about what we are going to do, and also dates for exams, computer lab sessions and computer projects.
Included on the weekly syllabus.
Professor Goodman's Notes on Chapter 1. (Mathematica notebook)
lecture-10-25.nb (parametrized curve and arc length)
lecture-10-29.nb (acceleration and curvature)
Keith Stroyan, Interactive Multivariable Calculus Text & CD available at Zephyr copies 124 E. Washington St. This text is required. Note: the textbook includes a CD containing an electronic copy of the entire text and supplementary material. You need Mathematica or Mathematica Reader to read this material. You can get a free copy of Mathematica Reader from http://www.wolfram.com/mathreader/ . |
Professor Stroyan's book has lots of interesting ideas and an original presentation, but there is no reason to learn from only one book. Moreover, every science and engineering student ought to have one of the standard encyclopedic calculus books on his/her shelf for reference and review. If you don't have one already, I suggest that you buy a used one, slightly out of date, in order to get the best value.
Professor Stroyan's website for this course, including the course outline and files for the e-text.
There are computer labs scheduled in 1245 SC (Engineering building) during your regular discussion hours on the following dates:
Tuesdays, September 7, September 21, October 5, and October 26.
The assignment for the first computer lab (September 7) is to work through Mathematica Lessons 1-3 posted here. These Mathematica tutorials were prepared by Professor Goodman. You do not have to hand in anything for this lab.
Mathematica Lesson 1: Getting started. (ordinary web document --read with internet browser)
Mathematica Lesson 2: Mathematica as a scientific calculator. (Mathematica notebook -- open with Mathematica)
Mathematica Lesson 3: Mathematica as a symbolic calculator. (Mathematica notebook -- open with Mathematica)
The assignment for the 2nd computer lab (Sept. 21) is to work through the following tutorial, and then to answer the questions. Do your work in a separate file (I have provide a template) and submit it via the BLACKBOARD digital drop box, as described here. Your work is due by Sept. 28, midnight.
Lab2_tutorial.nb (Instructions for the 2nd computer lab)
Lab2_report.nb (template file for your work on the 2nd computer lab)
The assignment for the 3rd computer lab (Oct. 5) is to work through the following tutorial, and then to answer the questions. Do your work in a separate file (I have provide a template) and submit it via the BLACKBOARD digital drop box, as described here. Your work is due by Oct. 12, midnight.
Lab3_tutorial.nb (Instructions for the 3rd computer lab)
Lab3_report.nb (template file for your work on the 3rd computer lab)
The assignment for the first computer project is here . Your work is due by Oct. 19, midnight.
The assignment for the 4th computer lab (Oct. 26) is to work through the following tutorial, and then to answer the questions. Do your work in a separate file (I have provide a template) and submit it via the BLACKBOARD digital drop box, as described here. Your work is due by Nov. 2, midnight
Lab4_tutorial.nb (Instructions for the 4th computer lab)
Lab4_report.nb (template file for your work on the 4th computer lab)
There will be two midterm exams 7-9 pm on the following dates:
Exam #1: 7-9 pm Thursday evening, September 30. Rooms: Shambugh Auditorium (in the Main Library), Sections 1, 2, 4 (8:30, 9:30, 10:30 sections); 107 EPB, Section 3 (12:30 section)
Exam #2: Tuesday evening, November 16, 7-9 pm. Rooms announced at the top of this web page.
There will be a final exam at the time specified in the Fall course schedule.
All exams will be comprehensive.
Professor Stroyan's review sheets.
Fred Goodman
Fall 2003