Example 1.1.3 (h) 0*(10*10*)*The language described by this regular expressioncontains the strings:
_ , 0, 00, 000 ,
11, 110, 101, 1100, 1001, 1010, 11000,
011. 0110, 0101, 01100. 01001,
Briefly, and informally, all strings with an evennumber of '1's.
Example 1.1.3(g) 00+11+101 This regular expression describes {00, 11, 101}.
Example 1.1.3(i) 0*1*The meaning in this case is the language {_, 0, 1, 00, 01, 11, 000, 001, 011, 111, }= {0p1q | p,q 0}.Briefly, and informally, all strings where '1' is followed by '1' or nothing
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