-- imports

-- Temporal help nodes

-- Sofar(X) indicates if X has been true from the beginning of
-- time or not

node Sofar( X : bool )
returns ( Y : bool );
  Y = X and (true -> pre Y);

-- First(X) is a constant stream which has the value that X had
-- in the first point in time.

node First( X : int )
returns ( a : int );
  a = X -> pre a;

-- Since(X,Y) is true precisely when X has been true at some
-- previous time point, and Y has been true since that time point.

node Since( X, Y : bool )
returns ( SinceXY : bool );
  SinceXY = X or (Y and (false -> pre SinceXY));

-- SinceIncl(X,Y) is true precisely when X has been true at some
-- previous time point, and Y has been true since that time point,
-- _including_ that time point.

node SinceIncl( X, Y : bool )
returns ( SinceXY : bool );
  SinceXY = Y and (X or (false -> pre SinceXY));

--  an integer switch

node SwitchInt( Set : bool; X : int )
returns ( Y : int );
  Y = if Set then X else (0 -> pre Y);

--  Prove that:
--   "the SwitchInt node ignores its integer input X when the 
--    input Set is false"

node SwitchIgnoresX( Set : bool; X1,X2: int ) returns ( OK : bool );
var Env : bool;
   Env = Sofar(Set => X1 = X2);
   OK  = Env => SwitchInt(Set,X1) = SwitchInt(Set,X2);

-- We would like to prove that:
--   "Y always has the last set value of X"
--  Let us first do a simple version of this:
--   "If, since the last time the switch was set to 3, we have not
--    set the switch, Y must be 3"

node ReqSwitchInt_Simple( Set : bool; X : int )
returns ( OK : bool );
var Y : int;
  Y = SwitchInt( Set, X );

  OK = Since( Set and X = 3, not Set ) => Y = 3;

  -- Please note what happens if you use the SinceIncl node here:
  -- Try to verify this using luke:
  -- OK = SinceIncl( Set and X = 3, not Set ) => false;
  -- If you assume a contradiction, what can you prove?

-- In order to prove that:
--   "If, since the last time the switch was set to a, we have not
--    set the switch, Y must be a"
--  For all constants a, we need to introduce a constant stream a.
--  We can do this using the temporal combinator First:

node ReqSwitchInt( Set : bool; X : int; A : int )
returns ( OK : bool );
var Y : int; a : int;
  a = First( A );
  Y = SwitchInt( Set, X );

  -- "Y always has the last set value of X"
  OK = Since( Set and X = a, not Set ) => Y = a;

