

Portable intermediate code, JIT compiling


Each class stands on its own

Types of applications

Documentation utility (javadoc)

Java code fragment: a class for the F distribution

package rvl.stat.dist;
import rvl.util.*;

 * The F distribution (central and noncentral)
 * @author Russ Lenth
 * @version 1.0 June 29, 1996

public class F {

 * @return cdf of noncentral <i>F</i> distribution at 
 *   <tt>f</tt> with d.f. <tt>(df1, df2)</tt> and 
 *   noncentrality <tt>lambda</tt>
    public static double 
    cdf (double f, double df1, double df2, double lambda) {
        if (df1 <= 0 || df2 <= 0 || lambda < 0) {
            System.err.println("F.cdf: "
                + "Need positive df and lambda");
            return Double.NaN;
        f = Math.max(f,0);
        return Beta.cdf(1 - df2 / (df1 * f + df2), 
            df1/2, df2/2, lambda);
}   /* end of public class F */

Generated documentation for class rvl.stat.dist.F

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PREVIOUS: Excel Methods
TOP: GUIs for Power and Sample Size
Russ Lenth --- 10/23/1997