
Russell V. Lenth

Professor Emeritus
Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science
The University of Iowa
Iowa City, IA 52242     USA
Office:  241 Schaeffer Hall
Voice:  (319) 335-0712 (department office)
FAX:  (319) 335-3017
e-mail:  russell-lenth@uiowa.edu
Call me:  Russ (he/him/his)

Past research interests


emmeans [R package] CRAN version Total downloads
estimability [R package] CRAN version Total downloads
rsm [R package] CRAN version Total downloads
unrepx [R package] CRAN version Total downloads
lsmeans [R package] CRAN version Total downloads
Power and sample size [Java applet]

This page was last modified June 9, 2024
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