Text Retrieval & Text Mining Reading Group
Fall 2005
Fridays 9:30 am to 10:45 am.
(3rd floor Main Library - SLIS meeting room)
Spring 05 Reading List
Focus: This semester we will read papers that are from the proceedings of conferences such as the WWW
2004, 2005; SIGIR 2004, 2005; CIKM workshops etc.
Students are encouraged to suggest readings aligned with their interests.
September 2, 2005: A. G. Maguitman, F. Menczer, H. Roinestad, A. Vespignani. Algorthmic Detection of Semantic Similarity (Page 107). WWW 2005. (Aditya Sehgal)
September 9, 2005: What's new on the web by Ntoulas, Cho and Olston. WWW 2004.
(Padmini Srinivasan)
September 16, 2005: Antonio Badia and Mehmed Kantardzic. Graph Building as a Mining Activity: Finding Links in the Small. LinkKDD workshop of KDD (Link Discovery: Issues, Approaches and Applications). 2005 (Byron Murphy)
September 23, 2005: C.-C. Huang, S.-L. Chuang, L.-F. Chien. LiveClassifier: Creating Hierarchical Text Classifiers through Web Corpora. WWW 2004. (Xin Ying Qiu)
September 30, 2005: R. Bekkerman and A. McCallum. Disambiguating Web Appearances of People in a Social Network.
WWW 2005. (Aditya Sehgal)
October 7, 2005: Dodds, Mohamad and Watts. An experimental study of search in global social networks. Science Vol 301, 8 Aug 2003 (Padmini Srinivasan)
October 14, 2005: R. Guha, R. Kumar, P. Raghavan, A. Tomkins. Propagation of Trust and Distrust. WWW 2004. (Xin Ying Qiu)
October 21, 2005: R. H. Zhao, W. Meng, Z. Wu, V. Raghavan, C. Yu. Fully Automatic Wrapper Generation for Search Engines (Page 66)
WWW 2005. (Junfeng Zheng)
October 28, 2005: S.K. Lam and J. Riedl. Shilling Recommender Systems for Fun and Profit. WWW 2004 . (Byron Murphy)
November 4, 2005: Gui-Rong Xue, Qiang Yang, Hua-Jun Zeng, Yong Yu and Zheng Chen.
Exploiting the Hierarchical Structure for Link Analysis, SIGIR 2005. (Yi Zhang)
November 11, 2005: Harada et al. Finding Authoritative People from the
Web. JCDL 2004. (Aditya Sehgal)