Courses prior to Fall 2021 are below. Courses in Fall 2021 and after are through ICON.
SPRING 2021 MATH 2995 Introduction to Research Opportunities
SPRING 2020 MATH 2550 Engineering Math III Matrix Algebra
SPRING 2020 MATH 2995 Introduction to Research Opportunities
SPRING 2020 MATH 4210 Foundations of Analysis
FALL 2019 MATH 3770 Fundamental Properties of Spaces and Functions
SPRING 2019 MATH 4210 Foundations of Analysis
SPRING 2019 MATH 2995 Introduction to Research Opportunities
Fall 2018 MATH 3770 Fundamental Properties of Spaces and Functions
Spring 2018 MATH 4210 Foundations of Analysis
Fall 2017 MATH 4500 Introduction to Differential Geometry I
Spring 2017 MATH 2850 Calculus III
2016 MATH
2850 Calculus III
RECENT PREPRINTS/my copies of the published papers/Links to published proceedings
Susan Brooks, Oguz
Durumeric, Jonathan Simon, Knots Connected with Wide Ribbons, Journal
of Knot Theory and Ramifications, 4 September 2019
Knots Connected by Wide Ribbons
Ligo R., Durumeric O. C., Conformal
Transformations and Curvature. Journal of Knot Theory and Ramifications, January 23, 2019. Conformal
transformations and curvature;
Our preprint
Shao, W., Patton, T. J, Gerard, S. E, Pan, Y.,
Reinhardt, J. M, Bayouth, J. E, Durumeric, O.C., and Christensen, G.E. Detecting
Out-of-Phase Ventilation Using 4DCT to Improve Radiation Therapy for Lung
Cancer. In: Stoyanov D. et al. (eds) Image Analysis for Moving Organ, Breast,
and Thoracic Images. RAMBO 2018, BIA 2018, TIA 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer
Science, vol 11040. Springer, Cham August 2018 Detecting
Out-of-Phase Ventilation Using 4DCT to Improve Radiation Therapy for Lung
Wei Shao, Sarah E. Gerard, Yue Pan,
Taylor J. Patton, Joseph M. Reinhardt, Oguz C. Durumeric, John E. Bayouth, Gary
E. Christensen, "Sensitivity analysis of Jacobian determinant used in
treatment planning for lung cancer," Proc. SPIE 10574, Medical Imaging
2018: Image Processing, 1057418 (2 March 2018)
Pan Y, Christensen G E, Durumeric O C, et al.
Current-and Varifold-Based Registration of Lung Vessel and Airway Trees//Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops. 2016: 126-133.
Shao, W., Christensen, G.E., Johnson, H.J., Hyun Song, J., Durumeric, O.C., Johnson, C.P., Shaffer, J.J., Magnotta, V.A., Fiedorowicz, J.G. and Wemmie, J.A., 2016. Population Shape Collapse in Large Deformation Registration of MR Brain Images. In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (pp. 109-117). .
OC Durumeric, I
Oguz, GE Christensen, The Shape Collapse Problem in Volumetric Image
Registration, MFCA2013 - 3rd MICCAI Workshop on Mathematical Foundations of Computational
Anatomy, Sept 2013, 12 pages, published online at or
Local structure of ideal shapes of
knots, II: Constant curvature case, the Journal of Knot
Nonuniform thickness and weighted
distance functions Topology and its Applications, Volume 156, Issue 8, 15 April 2009,
pages 1578-1608 Nonuniform Thickness and Weighted
Local structure of ideal shapes of knots, Topology and its Applications, Volume 154, Issue 17, (15 September 2007), 3070-3089. Local Structure of Ideal Shapes of Knots
Growth of Fundamental Group and
Isoembolic volume and diameter,
Proceedings of AMS., 130 (2002),
no 2, 585-590.
Geometric finiteness in large families
in dimension 3, Topology, 40/4 (May, 2001) 727-737.
Thickness of knots, with A.
Litherland, J Simon and E. Rawdon, Topology
and its Applications, 91(1999)
Finiteness theorems, average volume and
curvature, American Journal of
Mathematics, 111 (1989) 973-990.
Manifolds of almost half of maximal
volume, Proceedings of A. M. S. 104 No1 (1988) 277-283.
A generalization of Berger’s theorem on
almost 1/4-pinched manifolds, II, Journal
of Differential Geometry, 26
(1987) 101-139.
A generalization of Berger’s theorem on
almost 1/4-pinched manifolds, I, Bulletin
of A. M. S. 12 (1985) 260-264.
Manifolds with almost equal diameter
and injectivity radius, Journal of
Differential Geometry, 19 (1984)