My research interests lie in symplectic topology and complex algebraic geometry. Recently, I have been working on moduli spaces of curves relative to divisors and character varieties. I am a Co-PI of the NSF-RTG grant DMS-2038103 ("RTG: Geometry and Topology at Iowa"). You can find more information about our group in one of the links above.
I recently co-organized Frontiers of
Geometric Analysis, that was held in Santa Cruz, June 03-07 (non-Google link)
Curriculum Vitae, and
my pages on Google Scholar,
ArXiv, and
2022--        : The University of Iowa, Department of Mathematics, Associate Professor
2018--2022: The University of Iowa, Department of Mathematics, Assistant Professor
2013--2018: Stony Brook University, Simons Center, Research Assistant Professor
2012--2013: Cornell University, Department of Mathematics, Visiting Assistant Professor
2007--2012: Princeton University, Ph.D. in Mathematics, Aug 2012
    Thesis title: On moduli spaces of real curves in symplectic manifolds
    Thesis Adviser: Professor G. Tian
2002--2007: Sharif University, double major in pure Mathematics and Electrical engineering
2001--2002: I spent a year in YSC as a member of Iranian Mathematics Olympiad team
1998--2001: Shahid Beheshti HighSchool, member of NODET