SunOS 4.1.3 for Sparcs does not provide memmove and has a memcpy that does not work for copying overlapping areas. (Most systems have one or the other, and older versions of SunOS on 68K architectures at least had a memcpy that works for overlapping references). This results in the following bug in printing, reported by Elizabeth Slate: > (def nums '(0.30441386690726666 0.09525220189345454 0.7755117001021111 0.7744188778837333 0.06080824938416161)) > (mapcar #'(lambda (x) (format t "~,6g~%" x)) nums) 0.300000 9.525220E-2 0.777777 0.777777 6.080825E-2 (NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL) A fix for 3.44 is to copy 'configure', 'X11BSDstuff.c', 'unixstuff.c' and 'sunstuff.c' from this directory into the top level of the source tree (replacing files of the same names). do 'chmod +x configure' run the new 'configure' run 'make clean' -- this is important run 'make' This should take care of the problem. This problem may exist on other systems for which configure does not find memmove and adds the define -DMEMMOVE=memcpy to UCFLAGS. This fix should take care of any such system. Future xlispstat releases will incorporate a fix for this problem.