Adds lines to plot. LINES is a list of sequences, the coordinates of the line starts. TYPE is normal or dashed. If DRAW is true the new lines are added to the screen.
Adds points to plot. POINTS is a list of sequences, POINT-LABELS a list of strings. If DRAW is true the new points are added to the screen.
Sets ranges to the actual range of variables in the original coordinate system. If DRAW is true sends :RESIZE and :REDRAW messages.
Applies matrix A to current transformation. If draw is true the :REDRAW-CONTENT message is sent.
Clears the plot data. If DRAW is nil the plot is redrawn; otherwise its current screen image remains unchanged.
Removes all lines from the plot. If DRAW is true the :REDRAW-CONTENT message is sent.
Removes all points from the plot. If DRAW is true the :REDRAW-CONTENT message is sent.
Removes all strings from the plot. If DRAW is true the :REDRAW-CONTENT message is sent.
Sets or retrieves the indices of the current content variables.
Sends appropriate action message for mouse mode to plot.
Drags grey rectangle starting at (LIST (- X WIDTH) (- Y HEIGHT) WIDTH HEIGHT) while mouse button is down. Returns the final rectangle. Should be called when the mouse is down.
Sets selected points states to invisible and sends :ADJUST-SCREEN message.
Sets or retrieves current size adjustment option (true or NIL).
Moves window frame to (LEFT TOP) if supplied. Returns list of current left, top. Adjusts for the menu bar.
Sets window frame width and size to WIDTH and SIZE if supplied. Returns list of current WIDTH and HEIGHT. Adjusts for the menu bar.
Sets or returns idling state. On means :do-idle method is sent each pass through the event loop.
Sets or retrieves plot's linking state.
Returns the number of line starts in the plot.
Returns the number of points in the plot.
Returns the number of strings in the plot.
Returns the number of variables in the plot.
Sets or retrieves coordinate for variable VAR and point POINT in the original coordinate system. Vectorized.
Sets or returns highlighting status (true or NIL) of POINT. Sends :ADJUST-SCREEN message if states are set. Vectorized.
Sets or retrieves label of point POINT. Vectorized.
Sets or returns selection status (true or NIL) of POINT. Sends :ADJUST-SCREEN message if states are set. Vectorized.
Sets or returns visibility status (true or NIL) of POINT. Sends :ADJUST-SCREEN message if states are set. Vectorized.
Sets or retrieves symbol of point POINT. Vectorized.
Sets or retrieves variable's original coordinate range. Vectorized.
Returns list of screen coordinates of point (X, Y), in the original coordinate system, based on current content variables.
Redraws entire plot.
Redraws plot's content.
Rotates int the plane of variables with indices VAR1 and VAR2 by ANGLE, in radians. sends the :REDRAW-CONTENT message if DRWA is true.
Scales and shifts data to map visible range into specified range. Sends :RESIZE and :REDRAW messages if DRAW is true.
Sets or retrieves variable's transformed coordinate range. Vectorized.
Returns list of real coordinates, in the original coordinate system, of screen point (X, Y), based on current content variables.
Return indices of current selection.
Sets all point states to normal and sends :ADJUST-SCREEN message
Sets or retrieves current labeling state (true or NIL).
Sets or retrieves window title.
Sets or retrieves transformation. A should be a matrix or NIL. If draw is true the :REDRAW-CONTENT message is sent.
Unselects all points. Sends :ADJUST-SCREEN message if DRAW is true.
Sets or returns label for variable with index VAR. Vectorized.
Returns list of min and max of variable VAR over visible, unmasked points, lines and strings. Vectorized.
Calls fcn repeatedly while mouse button is down. FCN should take two arguments, the current x and y coordinates of the mouse. Returns NIL. Should be called when button is already down.
Sets or retrieves current acis label state. SHOWING and LABELED should be true or NIL; TICKS should be a number. All three should be supplied for setting a new state. A list of the three properties is returned.
Sets or retrieves current acis label state. SHOWING and LABELED should be true or NIL; TICKS should be a number. All three should be supplied for setting a new state. A list of the three properties is returned.