DATA is a sequence, a list of sequences or a matrix. Makes a boxplot of the sequence or a parallel box plot of the sequences in the list or the columns of the matrix.
DATA is a list of sequences or a matrix. X is a sequence with as many elements as DATA has elements or columns. Makes a parallel box plot of the sequences in the list or the columns of the matrix vs X.
Close all plot windos.
Opens a window with a histogram of DATA. TITLE is the window title. The number of bins used can be adjusted using the histogram menu. The histogram can be linked to other plots with the link-views command. Returns a plot object.
Links the argument plots: any change in hiliting or visibility of points in the current plot is propagated to the other plots.
NAMES is a number or a list of character strings. Opens a window with a list of the supplied character strings or entries numbered from 0 to NAMES - 1. This display can be linked to plots with the link-views function. Returns a plot object.
Plots function F of one real variable over the range between xmin and xmax. The function is evaluated at NUM-POINTS points.
Opens a window with a connected line plot of X vs Y, where X and Y are compound number-data. VARIABLE-LABELS, if supplied, should be lists of character strings. TITLE is the window title. The plot can be linked to other plots with the link-views command. Returns a plot object.
Opens a window with a scatter plot of X vs Y, where X and Y are compound number-data. VARIABLE-LABELS and POINT-LABELS, if supplied, should be lists of character strings. TITLE is the window title. The plot can be linked to other plots with the link-views command. Returns a plot object.
DATA is a list of two or more compound number-data objects of equal length. Opens a window with a brushable scatter plot matrix of the elements of DATA. VARIABLE-LABELS and POINT-LABELS, if supplied, should be lists of character strings. TITLE is the window title. If scale is NIL data are assumed to be between -1 and 1.The plot can be linked to other plots with the link-views command. Returns a plot object.
Rotatable plot of function F of two real variables over the range between [xmin, xmax] x [ymin, ymax]. The function is evaluated at NUM-POINTS points.
DATA is a list of three compound number-data objects of equal length. Opens a window with a rotating plot of the three elements of DATA. VARIABLE-LABELS and POINT-LABELS, if supplied, should be lists of character strings. TITLE is the window title. If scale is NIL data are assumed to be between -1 and 1. The plot can be linked to other plots with the link-views command. Returns a plot object.
Removes links to its arguments. With no arguments removes all links.