Returns the sum of its arguments. With no args, returns 0. Vectorized.
Subtracts the second and all subsequent NUMBERs from the first. With one arg, negates it. Vectorized.
Returns the product of its arguments. With no args, returns 1. Vectorized.
Divides the first NUMBER (element-wise) by each of the subsequent NUMBERS. With one arg, returns its reciprocal. Vectorized.
Returns BASE-NUMBER raised to the power POWER-NUMBER. Vectorized.
Returns BASE-NUMBER raised to the power POWER-NUMBER. Vectorized.
Returns T if NUMBERS are in strictly increasing order; NIL otherwise. Vectorized.
Returns T if NUMBERS are in nondecreasing order; NIL otherwise. Vectorized.
Returns T if NUMBERS are all equal; NIL otherwise. Vectorized.
Returns T if NUMBERS no two adjacent numbers are equal; NIL otherwise. Vectorized.
Returns T if NUMBERS are in nonincreasing order; NIL otherwise. Vectorized.
Returns T if NUMBERS are in strictly decreasing order; NIL otherwise. Vectorized.
Returns the absolute value or modulus of NUMBER. Vectorized.
Returns the arc cosine of NUMBER. Vectorized.
Returns the arc sine of NUMBER. Vectorized.
Returns the arc tangent of NUMBER. Vectorized.
Returns the smallest integer(s) not less than or NUMBER. Vectorized.
Returns a complex number with the given real and imaginary parts.
Returns the complex conjugate of NUMBER.
Returns the cosine of RADIANS. Vectorized.
Calculates e raised to the power x, where e is the base of natural logarithms. Vectorized.
Returns BASE-NUMBER raised to the power POWER-NUMBER. Vectorized.
Converts real number to a floating-point number. If NUMBER is already a float, FLOAT simply returns NUMBER. Vectorized.
Returns the largest integer( not larger than the NUMBER. Vectorized.
Extracts the imaginary part of NUMBER.
Returns the natural logarithm(s) of NUMBER. Vectorized.
Returns the log gamma function of X. Vectorized.
Returns the greatest of its arguments. Vector reducing
Returns the least of its arguments. Vector reducing
Returns the angle part of the polar representation of a complex number. For non-complex numbers, this is 0.
Parallel maximum of ITEMS. Vectorized.
Parallel minimum of ITEMS. Vectorized.
Returns the product of all the elements of its arguments. Returns 1 if there are no arguments. Vector reducing.
Generates a uniformly distributed pseudo-random number between zero (inclusive) and NUMBER (exclusive). Vectorized.
Extracts the real part of NUMBER.
Returns the remainder of dividing x by y. Vectorized.
Rounds NUMBER to nearest integer. Vectorized.
Returns the sine of RADIANS. Vectorized.
Returns the square root of NUMBER. Vectorized.
Returns the sum of all the elements of its arguments. Returns 0 if there are no arguments. Vector reducing.
Returns the tangent of RADIANS. Vectorized.
Returns real NUMBER as an integer, rounded toward 0. Vectorized.