The select function allows you to select a single element or a group of elements from a list or vector. For example, if we define x by
(def x (list 3 7 5 9 12 3 14 2))then (select x i) will return the i-th element of x. Lisp, like the language C but in contrast to FORTRAN, numbers elements of list and vectors starting at zero. Thus the indices for the elements of x are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 . So
> (select x 0) 3 > (select x 2) 5To get a group of elements at once we can use a list of indices instead of a single index:
> (select x (list 0 2)) (3 5)
If you want to select all elements of x except element 2 you can use the expression
(remove 2 (iseq 0 7))as the second argument to the function select:
> (remove 2 (iseq 0 7)) (0 1 3 4 5 6 7) > (select x (remove 2 (iseq 0 7))) (3 7 9 12 3 14 2)Another approach is to use the logical function /= (meaning not equal) to tell you which indices are not equal to 2. The function which can then be used to return a list of all the indices for which the elements of its argument are not NIL :
> (/= 2 (iseq 0 7)) (T T NIL T T T T T) > (which (/= 2 (iseq 0 7))) (0 1 3 4 5 6 7) > (select x (which (/= 2 (iseq 0 7)))) (3 7 9 12 3 14 2)This approach is a little more cumbersome for deleting a single element, but it is more general. The expression (select x (which (< 3 x))), for example, returns all elements in x that are greater than 3:
> (select x (which (< 3 x))) (7 5 9 12 14)