Running XLISP-STAT Under Emacs on Win32

Luke Tierney


The emacs interface uses a command line client xlsclient to send commands to and read output from XLISP-STAT via the DDE mechanism. There are some problems with this approach: Most of these issues can only really be resolved properly by having proper threads at the Lisp level and having the Listener and the command line processed by different threads

But aside from those minor issues, this approach seems to work reasonably well.

The Simplest Approach

You need to tell emacs where to find the client. A simple way to do this is to define the inferior-lisp-program variable in your .emacs file as the path for xlsclient and then use M-x run-lisp to run the client.

The xlsclient assumes that XLISP-STAT is running, so you need to start it up before using the client.

Slightly More Elaborate Approach

Another approach is to add lines like
(setq inferior-xlispstat-program "g:/working/client/xlsclient")
(autoload 'run-xlispstat "g:/working/client/xlispstat.el"
          "Run inferior xlispstat process" t)
to your .emacs file (with the paths adjusted to your system) and place the file xlispstat.el, given below, in the appropriate place. Then you can run XLISP-STAT with M-x run-xlispstat.

You still need to make sure you have started the right version of wxls32 and loaded the DDE server file.

(if (not (boundp 'inferior-xlispstat-program))
    (setq-default inferior-xlispstat-program "xlispstat"))

(defun xlisp-quit-sentinel (proc reason)
  (if (and (not (memq reason '(run stop))))

(defun run-xlispstat-exit () 
  (let ((process (get-process "inferior-lisp")))
    (set-process-sentinel process 'xlisp-quit-sentinel)
    (process-kill-without-query process)))

(defun run-xlispstat ()
  "Run an inferior xlispstat process."
  (run-lisp inferior-xlispstat-program))

Using ESS

You can also use the xlsclient to run XLISP-STAT under ESS. To do this, during the installation process for ESS define the variable inferior-XLS-program-name in ess-site.el with
(setq-default inferior-XLS-program-name "xlsclient")
using a full path for the client if it is not in your search path.

Command Line DDE Client

This section gives the code for the command line client. The basic idea is simple: Accumulate an expression, send it to the XLISP-STAT process with a DDE execute transaction, and retrieve the output with a VALUE request. Continue this in a loop until the input receives an EOF.

In order to only ship off complete expressions, the client has to know a bit about Lisp syntax. This of course means that it won;t work right if XLISP-STAT's readtable has been changed radically. On the other hand, Emacs Lisp modes will then also fail to work.

Another complication is the desire to do something halfway reasonable with interrupts. For interrupts that occur during reading, the current expression is flushed. Interrupts that occur during an eval result in a message that tells the user to go send an interrupt in the XLISP-STAT listener--there does not seem to be a reasonable alternative. Handling interrupts is complicated by the fact that Win32 runs its interrupt handlers in a separate thread, so you can't longjmp from the handler, and you can't get the read to terminate when an interrupt is received (at least I don't know of any way to do it). So I am following what Guido did in Rterm and what Tcl seems to do and using a separate thread to do the reading and using synchronization objects to handle the interrupts. Empirically it appears that the fgets used to read a line flushes its buffer when an interrupt occurs, so this all seems to work, but it does need some more careful reviewing.

A better design than the one used here would be to have the client establish a conversation and then become a server from which XLISP-STAT could read input as a stream and to which it could write output as a stream. However, this would require two major additions: Proper threads and user-streams along the lines of the Gray streams proposal.

/* xlsclient.c -- DDE command line client for XLISP-STAT. */
/* Copyright (c) 1999, by Luke Tierney.                            */
/* You may give out copies of this software; for conditions see the file */
/* COPYING included with this distribution.                              */

/* The thread-based IO design is adapted from Rterm and Tcl. */

#include <windows.h>
#include <ddeml.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <setjmp.h>

#define ErrorPrint(str) fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", str)
#define FatalError(str) do { ErrorPrint(str); exit(1); } while (0)


#define BUFFER_SIZE 10000
char buf[BUFFER_SIZE];
char line[BUFFER_SIZE];
size_t bufpos;
int mych;

HANDLE ready_for_input = NULL;
HANDLE input_available = NULL;
BOOL interrupted = FALSE;
BOOL executing = FALSE;
BOOL done = FALSE;

jmp_buf read_reset;

int mygetch(void)
  int c;
  static size_t linesize = 0;
  static size_t linepos = 0;
  static BOOL inited = FALSE;

  if (done) return EOF;

  if (linepos >= linesize) {
    if (! inited) {
      inited = TRUE;
    WaitForSingleObject(input_available, INFINITE);
    if (interrupted) {
      interrupted = FALSE;
      longjmp(read_reset, RESET_INTERRUPT);
    else {
      linesize = strlen(line);
      linepos = 0;
  return line[linepos++];

void buffer_putc(int c)
  if (bufpos < BUFFER_SIZE)
    buf[bufpos++] = c;
  else longjmp(read_reset, RESET_OVERFLOW);

BOOL eat_single_comment(void)
  int c;
  while (TRUE) {
    c = mygetch();
    if (c == EOF) return FALSE;
    if (c == '\n') return TRUE;

BOOL eat_multi_comment(void)
  int c;
  while (TRUE) {
    c = mygetch();
    if (c == EOF) return FALSE;
    switch (c) {
    case '|':
      c = mygetch();
      if (c == EOF) return FALSE;
      if (c == '#') return TRUE;
    case '#':
      c = mygetch();
      if (c == EOF) return FALSE;
      if (c == '|' && ! eat_multi_comment()) return FALSE;

BOOL read_expression(void)
  int c, parcount;

  switch (setjmp(read_reset)) { /**** is this legit? */
  case RESET_INTERRUPT: ErrorPrint("user interrupt"); break;
  case RESET_OVERFLOW: ErrorPrint("buffer overflow"); break;

  bufpos = 0;
  parcount = 0;
  while (TRUE) {
    c = mygetch();
    if (c == EOF) goto eof;
    switch (c) {
    case '\n': if (parcount <= 0) goto complete; break;
    case '(': parcount++; break;
    case ')': parcount--; if (parcount <= 0) goto complete; break;
    case ';': if (! eat_single_comment()) goto eof; break;
    case '#':
      c = mygetch();
      if (c == EOF) goto eof;
      switch (c) {
      case '|': if (! eat_multi_comment()) goto eof; break;
      case '\\':
        c = mygetch();
        if (c == EOF) goto eof;
    return TRUE;
    return FALSE;

BOOL WINAPI signal_handler(DWORD type)
  switch (type) {
  case CTRL_C_EVENT:
    if (executing)
              "**** XLISP-STAT is executing a command.\n"
              "**** To interrupt it, do a BREAK in the XLISP-STAT window\n");
    else {
      interrupted = TRUE;
  return TRUE;

DWORD WINAPI readline(LPVOID dummy)
#pragma argsused
  do {
    WaitForSingleObject(ready_for_input, INFINITE);
    done = fgets(line, sizeof(line), stdin) == NULL;
  } while (! done);
  return FALSE;

                          HSZ hsz1, HSZ hsz2, HDDEDATA hdata,
                          DWORD dw1, DWORD dw2)
#pragma argsused
  return (HDDEDATA) 0;

/**** I can only tell if I am executing if I do the parsing here. */
HDDEDATA DdeExecute(char *buf, HCONV hconv, DWORD timeout)
  HDDEDATA hdata;
  executing = TRUE;
  hdata = DdeClientTransaction((LPVOID) (buf), strlen(buf) + 1, hconv, NULL,
                               CF_TEXT, XTYP_EXECUTE, timeout, NULL);
  executing = FALSE;
  return hdata;

void DdeRequestAndWrite(HCONV hconv, HSZ value, DWORD timeout)
  HDDEDATA hdata;
  hdata = DdeClientTransaction(NULL, 0, hconv, value, CF_TEXT,
                               XTYP_REQUEST, timeout, NULL);
  if (hdata != NULL) {
    DWORD size;
    char *p = (char *) DdeAccessData(hdata, &size);
    if (p != NULL && memchr(p, 0, size) != NULL) {
      fputs(p, stdout);
    else ErrorPrint("bad value string");
  else ErrorPrint("value request failed");

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  DWORD ddeInst = 0;
  HSZ service, topic, value;
  char *servicename;
  char *topicname;
  DWORD read_thread_id;
  HANDLE read_thread = NULL;
  HSZ hszbreak;
  HCONV hconv;
  DWORD timeout = 60000L;

  /* get the service and topic names */
  switch (argc) {
  case 1: topicname = TOPIC_NAME; servicename = SERVICE_NAME; break;
  case 2: topicname = TOPIC_NAME; servicename = argv[1]; break;
  case 3: servicename = argv[1]; topicname = argv[2]; break;
  default: fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [service [topic]]\n", argv[0]); exit(1);

  /* initialize DDEML */
  switch (DdeInitialize(&ddeInst,(PFNCALLBACK)DdeProc,APPCMD_CLIENTONLY,0)) {
  case DMLERR_NO_ERROR: break;
  case DMLERR_DLL_USAGE: FatalError("DLL usage");
  case DMLERR_INVALIDPARAMETER: FatalError("invalid parameter");
  case DMLERR_SYS_ERROR: FatalError("invalid parameter");
  default: FatalError("unknown error");
  if (ddeInst == 0) FatalError("DDE initialization failed");

  /* initialize the synchronization events and start the reader thread */
  if (SetConsoleCtrlHandler(signal_handler, TRUE) == FALSE ||
      (ready_for_input = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL)) == NULL ||
      (input_available = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL)) == NULL ||
      (read_thread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, readline, NULL,
                                  0, &read_thread_id)) == NULL)
    goto cleanup;

  /* connect to the server */
  service = DdeCreateStringHandle(ddeInst, servicename, CP_WINANSI);
  topic = DdeCreateStringHandle(ddeInst, topicname, CP_WINANSI);
  hconv = DdeConnect(ddeInst, service, topic, NULL);
  if (service != NULL) DdeFreeStringHandle(ddeInst, service);
  if (topic != NULL) DdeFreeStringHandle(ddeInst, topic);
  if (hconv == NULL) FatalError("can't connect to the XLISP-STAT DDE server");

  /* initialize the string handles for the value and break request */
  value = DdeCreateStringHandle(ddeInst, "VALUE", CP_WINANSI);
  hszbreak = DdeCreateStringHandle(ddeInst, "BREAK", CP_WINANSI);

  /* process standard input until it is empty */
  DdeRequestAndWrite(hconv, value, timeout);
  while (read_expression()) {
    if (DdeExecute(buf, hconv, timeout))
      DdeRequestAndWrite(hconv, value, timeout);
    else ErrorPrint("execute failed");

  /* clean up the reader thread and synchronization events */
  if (read_thread != NULL) CloseHandle(read_thread);
  if (ready_for_input != NULL) CloseHandle(ready_for_input);
  if (input_available != NULL) CloseHandle(input_available);

  /* close the connection and drop DDEML */
  if (value != NULL) DdeFreeStringHandle(ddeInst, value);
  if (hszbreak != NULL) DdeFreeStringHandle(ddeInst, hszbreak);
  return 0;



