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To date little has changed in the graphics system. This is likely to
change in the near future. One small modification that has occured is
a change to the redraw protocol for plots. Originally, the protocol
called for a :redraw-content method to erase and redraw a plot's
content. The erasing part has now been split out into a separate
:clear-content method which is called before :redraw-content.
Methods for :redraw-content should now assume that the content
has been cleared. This change allows a plot to maintain a background
image by defining a suitable clear-content method. As a very
simple example, the definition
(defmeth p :clear-content ()
(let ((col (send self :draw-color)))
(send self :draw-color 'red)
(send self :paint-rect 50 50 100 100)
(send self :draw-color col)))
maintains a red rectangle in the background of a plot. More useful
examples might be to include a histogram, a function, or a map in the
Luke Tierney