% % The format files for the noweave package % It looks like a short form of Sweave.sty % \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \RequirePackage{fancyvrb,hyperref} %forward, backward, and both hyperlinks % nwhypf{my label}{text to put here}{label of forward link} % nwhypb{my label}{text to put here}{label of backwards link} % nwhyp {my label}{text to put here}{label of backwards link}{forward link label} \newcommand{\nwhypf}[3]{\hypertarget{#1}{$\langle$\textit{#2}}\hyperlink{#3}{$\rangle$}} \newcommand{\nwhypb}[3]{\hyperlink{#3}{$\langle$}\hypertarget{#1}{\textit{#2}$\rangle$}} \newcommand{\nwhyp}[4]{\hyperlink{#3}{$\langle$}\hypertarget{#1}{\textit{#2}}\hyperlink{#4}{$\rangle$}} % no hyperlink code reference \newcommand{\nwhypn}[1]{$\langle$\textit{#1}$\rangle$} % dummy out noweboptions, in case someone used them (they are part % of Ramsay's standalone version \newcommand{\noweboptions}[1]{} % The standard font for ~ used in formulas is ugly, redefine it % to the math mode symbol by making use of an active charcter trick % Leave the \, {, and } characters active %\newcommand{\twiddle}{\ensuremath{\sim}} \newcommand{\twiddle}{\textasciitilde} \DefineVerbatimEnvironment{nwchunk}{Verbatim}{commandchars=\\\{\},% codes={\catcode`~=\active},defineactive=\def~{\twiddle}}