## Read the date from teh class website url <- paste("http://www.stat.uiowa.edu/~luke/classes/248", "examples/ITBS/ICPC-ITBS-Standard.csv", sep = "/") Standard <- read.csv(url, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, row.names = 1) names(Standard) <- sub("X", "", names(Standard)) head(Standard) ## Change to long form library(reshape2) mS <- melt(Standard, id=c("Grade", "Test", "School"), value.name = "Score", variable.name = "Year") head(mS) ## Some Lattice plots library(lattice) xyplot(Score ~ Grade | Year, group = Test, type = "l", data = mS, auto.key = TRUE) xyplot(Score ~ Grade | Year, group = Test, type = "l", data = mS, subset = School == "Lincoln", auto.key = TRUE)