Meeting times: 10:30-11:20 MWF. Standard out-of-class preparation is at least six hours.
Meeting place: 210 MLH
Prerequisites: A grade of C- or higher in 22M:022 or 22M:026 or 22M:032 (essentially in single variable calculus). Some computer programming experience, preferably MATLAB, will be helpful. A knowledge of linear algebra and differential equations will also be helpful.
Instructor: Laurent O. Jay
Office: 225L MLH
Office hours: Monday and Wednesday 11:30-1:00. I may also be available at other times. Just drop by my office or send me an e-mail to make an appointment.
Telephone: (319) 335-0898
Fax: (319) 335-0627
E-mail address:
Mailbox: in Mailroom 15 MLH
Course web page: Assignments and other information about the course will be given in Students are responsible for checking regularly this course web page.
Course pack: My class notes are available as a course pack at the IMU bookstore for $14.30.
Textbook complement (recommended): Numerical Analysis by Timothy Sauer, Addison Wesley, 2006, 688 pages, ISBN-10: 0321268989, ISBN-13: 9780321268983, list price: $124.00. Table of Contents. Corrected pages, Companion Website. The book on This book is intended to be a complement giving a different view of the material.
Additional useful readings:
Course outline: Topics to be covered:
This course plan may be modified during the semester. Such modifications will be announced in advance during class periods and on the course web page; the student is responsible for keeping abreast of such changes.
Goals and objectives of the course: This course will cover some basic topics of numerical analysis at an introductory level (see the course outline above for the list of topics to be covered). The main objective will be to have a clear understanding of the ideas and techniques underlying the numerical methods, results, and algorithms that will be presented, where error analysis plays an important role. You will then be able to use this knowledge to analyze the numerical methods and algorithms that you will encounter, and also to program them effectively on a computer. This knowledge will be useful in your future to solve various problems numerically.
Class procedures: The majority of each class period will be lecture oriented. It is strongly advised to read the material to be discussed before coming to class. Therefore, if there is a difficult point, you will know beforehand where it arises, so that you can benefit from the lecture more effectively. If the point remains unclear you can always ask questions.
Homework: Will be assigned weekly. Presentation of your results is very important. Scratch paper will not be accepted. Do not expect good grades if your solution to a problem is poorly communicated. Like for everything, if you cannot explain something in great details, you certainly have not fully understood it. The importance of doing homework cannot be overemphasized, most of human people learn by doing, not only by watching and/or listening.
Computer languages: The predominant programming languages used in numerical analysis are Matlab and Fortran. For programming assignments, no other language will be accepted.
Linux computer accounts: Linux computer accounts will be made available on the Linux network in MLH (computer lab rooms B5 and 301). You can also use the NoMachine NX Client Windows software to access your Linux computer account remotely. Accounts for students who are not majors within the Division of Mathematical Sciences will be deleted after the term has ended! Note the expiration date at the top of your Unix Account Information form. The directory for this class will be removed before the beginning of the next term! If there is anything in this directory that you would like to save, you must archive it to your own home directory.
Grader: Qiwei Sheng, 255 MH, 335-0654, e-mail:
Grading procedures: The final grade will be based as follows:
The 2 tests and final examination are open books and open notes examinations. Bring a scientific calculator. In assigning grades, plus/minus grading will be used.
Final examination: To be held on Thursday, December 20, 2007, 7:30-9:30 AM in room 210 MLH. Only under exceptional circumstances will a student be permitted to shift the time of this examination. The final examination will be done with open books and open notes. Bring a scientific calculator.
Add or drop: Students wishing to add or drop this course after the official deadline must receive the approval of the Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
Cross enrollments : Details of the University policy of cross enrollments may be found at:
Notes to student: The Department of Mathematics has offices in 14 MLH. To make an appointment to speak with the Chair of the Department, call 335-0714 or contact the Departmental Secretary in 14 MLH.
Academic Fraud: Plagiarism and any other activities that result in a student presenting work that is not his or her own are academic fraud. Academic fraud is reported to the departmental DEO and then to the Associate Dean for Academic Programs and Services in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
Making a Suggestion or a Complaint: Students have the right to make suggestions or complaints and should first visit with the instructor, then with the course supervisor if appropriate and next with the departmental DEO. All complaints must be made within six months of the incident.
Accommodations for Disabilities: A student seeking academic accommodations first must register with Student Disability Services and then meet with a SDS counselor who determines eligibility for services. A student approved for accommodations should meet privately with the course instructor to arrange particular accommodations. See
Understanding Sexual Harassment: Sexual harassment subverts the mission of the University and threatens the well-being of students, faculty, and staff. Visit for definitions, assistance, and the full policy.
Administrative Home of the Course: The administrative home of this course is the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, which governs academic matters relating to the course such as the add / drop deadlines, the second-grade-only option, issues concerning academic fraud or academic probation, and how credits are applied for various CLAS requirements. Please keep in mind that different colleges might have different policies. If you have questions about these or other CLAS policies, visit your academic advisor or 120 Schaeffer Hall and speak with the staff. The CLAS Academic Handbook is another useful source of information on CLAS academic policy: