section 081
Here are your
Xiaoxu Han,
e-mail: xhan@math.uiowa.edu, phone: (319) 335-3807, office: B20E MLH.
SCHEDULE OF TOPICS (subject to changes)
- 08/26: introduction
- 08/28: 1.1
- 08/30: 1.1
- 09/04: 1.2
- 09/06: 1.2
- 09/07: 1.3
- 09/09: 2.1
- 09/11: 2.1
- 09/13: 2.1
- 09/16: 2.2
- 09/18: 2.3
- 09/20: 2.4
- 09/23: 2.4
- 09/25: 2.5 (through p.80)
- 09/27: 3.1
- 09/30: 3.2
- 10/02: 3.4
- 10/04: 3.4
- 10/07: 3.5
- 10/09: First test, part I
- 10/11: Test correction + 3.5
- 10/14: 3.6
- 10/16: 3.7
- 10/18: 3.8, 3.9
- 10/21: 6.1
- 10/23: First test, part II
- 10/25: 6.1
- 10/28: 6.2
- 10/30: 6.3
- 11/01: 6.3
- 11/04: 6.4
- 11/06: 6.5
- 11/08: 6.6
- 11/11: 6.6
- 11/13: 7.1, 7.2
- 11/15: 7.3
- 11/18: 7.4
- 11/20: 7.5
- 11/22: 7.7
- 11/25: Maple programming review
- 12/02: 7.7
- 12/04: Second test
- 12/06: 7.6
- 12/09: 7.8; make-up exam for second test in the evening
- 12/11: 7.9
- 12/13: 9.1. Read chapters 4 and 9.
- 12/19: Final examination, 9:45-11:45AM.
- Homework 1 due 09/11/2002:
- section 1.1 (p.8): 1, 2, 11, 18(abc);
- section 1.2 (pp.14-15): 1 (just solve), 8;
- section 1.3 (pp.22-23): 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 15, 17, 20.
- Homework 2 due 09/18/2002:
- section 2.1 (p.38): 1(c), 5(c), 6(c), 12(c), 14, 15, 18;
- section 2.2 (pp.45-47): 2, 3, 6, 13(ac), 16(ac), 23, 31, 32, 36.
- Homework 3 due 09/27/2002:
- section 2.3 (pp.58-64): 14, 18, 21.
- section 2.4 (pp.72-74): 1, 8, 14, 22.
- section 2.5 (pp.84-89): 17.
- Homework 4 due 10/07/2002:
- section 3.1 (pp.136-137): 4, 10, 28.
- section 3.2 (pp.145-147): 9, 13, 14, 23.
- section 3.4 (pp.158-160): 3, 4, 10, 12, 18.
- Homework 5 due 10/21/2002:
- section 3.5 (pp.166-169): 6, 12, 23, 28.
- section 3.6 (pp.178-179): 1, 4, 13, 17.
- Homework 6 due 10/28/2002:
- section 3.7 (pp.183-185): 1, 3, 7, 13.
- section 6.1 (pp.298-299): 5ab, 6.
- Homework 7 due 11/04/2002:
- section 6.2 (pp.307-308): 3, 8, 14, 21.
- section 6.3 (pp.314-317): 2, 4, 7, 12, 14, 17.
- Homework 8 due 11/13/2002:
- section 6.4 (pp.321-324): 1, 4, 7.
- section 6.5 (pp.328-330): 1, 2, 6, 7.
- section 6.6 (pp.335-337): 4, 7, 9, 11, 12, 14.
- Homework 9 due 11/22/2002:
- section 7.1 (pp.344-347): 2, 15.
- section 7.2 (pp.355-357): 23.
- section 7.3 (pp.366-367): 15, 24.
- section 7.5 (pp.381-383): 1, 5, 7, 14.
- Homework 10 due 12/09/2002:
- section 7.6 (pp.390-393): 1, 2, 3, 7 (find general solutions only).
- section 7.7 (pp.400-401): 1, 3, 11.
The MathWorks Matlab website
Help Desk (including manuals)
- Matlab 5 introduction
see also
- Matlab Primer (ps)
- Some Matlab
tutorials from Edward Neuman
A Guide to Matlab : For Beginners and Experienced Users
by Brian R. Hunt, Ronald L. Lipsman, J. Rosenberg, and Kevin R. Coombes, $35.00,
330 pp., Cambridge University Press,
Aug. 2001, paperback, ISBN 0-521-00859-X.
- MATLAB Guide
by Desmond J. Higham and
Nicholas J. Higham.
Introduction to Engineering Programming: in C, MATLAB and JAVA
by Mark A. Austin.
- Class directory: /group/class/m04181.
- Class submit directory: /group/submit/m04181.
- Group you belong to and class mailing list: m04181.
- If you do not know your password go to 303A MLH.
- Accounts for students who are not majors within the Division
of Mathematical Sciences will be deleted after the term has ended!
Note the expiration date at the top of your Unix Account
Information form.
- The directory for this class will be removed before the
beginning of the next term! If there is anything in this directory
that you would like to save, you must archive it to your own
home directory.
Laurent O. Jay
Department of Mathematics
14 MacLean Hall
The University of Iowa
Iowa City, IA 52242-1419
Tel: (319)-335-0898
Fax: (319)-335-0627
E-mail: ljay@math.uiowa.edu
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