M371-M372: Numerical solution of time-dependent
differential equations in applications
Goals and objectives of the course
I will offer a new two-semester course on the
numerical integration of time-dependent differential equations (DEs)
with a special emphasis on applications. There is enough
material for a two-semester sequence of courses. The second
semester will be at a higher level than the first one,
and it will complement
it well. The second semester can be considered as being a preparatory
step for doing research work on the numerical solution of DEs
whereas the first semester will be at a lower
level. In these courses I will emphasize on time-dependent
DEs arising in applications, especially
in engineering. I would like each student to solve an application
of his/her own interest.
The project will be computer-oriented and will make use of the
current available software, such as Fortran or Matlab codes.
Each project will be the subject
of a presentation in class to develop oral skills.
It will also be the subject of a short report to be written.
Both the report and the oral presentation will count for the
final grade. The numerical solution of time-dependent DEs
is a sufficiently broad topic to attract many engineering students.
This course will cover the development, the mathematical analysis,
and the use of practical algorithms for the numerical solution
of time-dependent DEs. While initially offered as M371-M372,
the longer run plan is to have a sequence numbered like M177-M277,
as suggested by Ken Atkinson.
Differential equations in applications
Here is a tentative list of some possible applications to be discussed during
the courses depending on the interests of the different departments
and also of the students:
- mechanical systems and multibody dynamics
- electrical circuits
- molecular dynamics
- atmospheric chemistry
- chemical reaction systems
- convection-diffusion-reaction problems
- optimal control problems
- prescribed trajectory path control problems
- structural dynamics
Classes of differential equations and related issues
We will treat in details the following classes of DEs:
- ordinary differential equations (ODEs)
- differential-algebraic equations (DAEs)
We will consider other classes of differential equations
among the following ones depending on the interests raised
and on the applications to be treated.
We will give an emphasis on the classes of DEs with most
interests in terms of applications and just a short
introduction or no treatment at all on the ones with least interest.
A detailed treatment will be given only in the more advanced course:
- time-dependent partial differential equations (PDEs)
- stochastic differential equations (SDEs)
- delay-differential equations (DDEs)
- differential inequalities (DIs)
- discontinuous differential equations
- differential inclusions
Some issues that will be discussed and which require different
techniques for the diverse kinds of equations:
- initial/boundary value problems (IVP/BVP)
- autonomous/nonautonomous problems
- definition of a solution
- existence/uniqueness of a solution
- linearity/nonlinearity
Some more advanced topics which could be treated only in the
more advanced course:
- stability of linear/nonlinear systems (Routh-Hurwitz criterion,
Lyapunov functions)
- differentiability/sensitivity of solutions with respect to
parameters/initial values (Wronskian matrices, variational equations,
the resolvent, the Groebner-Alekseev formula)
- Sturm-Liouville eigenvalue problems
- optimal control problems (the Pontryagin maximum principle)
- parameter estimation
Certain of the following topics in variational calculus could be
treated in relation with applications in mechanics:
- first/second variations
- geodesics
- Euler-Lagrange equations
- Lagrangian mechanics
- Hamiltonian mechanics (symplectic applications)
Numerical integration of differential equations
We will consider diverse classes of methods and techniques to integrate
numerically the various classes of DEs. We will treat in details
the following class of methods in the less advanced course:
- Taylor series
- explicit/implicit Runge-Kutta (RK) methods
We will also treat some of the following classes of methods
in the more advanced course:
- explicit/implicit multistep methods (Adams/BDF methods)
- collocation methods
- Rosenbrock methods
- extrapolation methods
The following topics will be considered:
- the Euler method and its convergence
- construction of higher order methods
- existence/uniqueness of the numerical solution
- local error analysis
- order conditions
- stability (see more details below)
- global error analysis: consistency + stability => convergence
- convergence order
- nonstiff/stiff equations
Some advanced topics in numerical integration which could be treated
in the more advanced course:
- Butcher-tree analysis for the local error of Runge-Kutta methods
- the symplifying assumptions of Runge-Kutta coefficients
- use of the structure of the DEs to construct tailored methods
- error constants
- asymptotic expansion of global error
- adjoint, symmetric methods
- symplectic methods for Hamiltonian systems
- volume-preserving flows and numerical methods
- method of lines for time-dependent PDEs (leading to large-scale ODEs)
- the Courant-Friedrich-Levy (CFL) conditions
- single/multiple shooting for BVPs
Some of these advanced topics could be treated from a numerical perspective
in the more advanced course:
- critical points
- periodic solutions
- perturbation calculus
- bifurcations point (e.g., Hopf bifurcations)
- strange attractors
- Poincare sections
- stable/instable/central manifolds
- homoclinic/heteroclinic orbits
Stability of numerical integration methods
In relation with numerical stability for linear ODEs we will
treat the following topics in the less advanced course:
- stability regions
- A-stability
Some advanced topics in stability which could be treated in the
more advanced course:
- Pade approximations to the exponential function
- order stars theory and the Ehle conjecture
- logaritmic norms of matrices
- B-stability
- Dahlquist's barriers for multistep methods
- preservation of invariants
- backward error analysis
- shadowing of numerical solutions
Implementation issues and software
Some issues are very important when writing software
for differential equations and will be treated during
the two semesters according to the main interests
- solution of nonlinear systems for implicit methods
(Newton-type methods, iterative solvers for linear systems)
- error estimation (Richardson extrapolation, embedded methods)
- stepsize control for variable stepsizes
- order selection for multistep methods
- dense output
- event location
- codes performance
An overview and use of current available software
will be done during the courses along the semesters
with as much as possible hands-on exercises.
We require good programming skills, especially in Fortran or
Matlab, but Pascal, C, or C++ are also acceptable. However,
programming assistance wil be given only in Fortran and
Matlab. We also require good knowledge of the
theory of differential equations, of vector calculus,
of linear algebra, and of numerical analysis in general
(M170-M171 for example, at least M72).
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