Instructor: Laurent O. Jay, 225L MLH,
Classes: courses at 1:30-2:20 MWF in 213 MLH and discussion section at 1:30-2:20 T in 118 MLH
Prerequisites: 22M:100 or consent of instructor. A course in differential equations. Some knowledge of computer programming. The language Matlab will be used. Programming in Maple or Mathematica will also be accepted.
Course description: This course will cover continuous dynamical systems (linear/nonlinear differential equations), one- and two-dimensional flows, stability, phase plane, limit cycles, bifurcations, chaos, numerical methods for differential equations, and some applications. At the end of the course the student should master essential issues in those topics.
Textbook (complement, recommended): Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems (Hardcover) by Lawrence Perko, Springer, Series: Texts in Applied Mathematics, Vol. 7, 3rd edition, 2001, 568 pages, ISBN: 0-387-95116-4, list price: $84.95. Table of contents. The book on Library reference: MATH QA372 .P47 1991.
Course outline: Examples of topics:
Grading procedures: One mid-term examination (30%), one final examination (35%), and homework (35%).