Meeting times: 10:30-11:20 MWF
Meeting place: 218 MLH
Prerequisites: 22M:100 or consent of instructor. A course in differential equations. Some knowledge of computer programming. The language Maple will be introduced.
Instructor: Laurent O. Jay
Office: 225L MLH
Office hours: 9:30-10:20 MWF. I will also be available at other times. Just drop by my office or send me an e-mail to make an appointment.
Telephone: (319)-335-0898
Fax: (319)-335-0627
E-mail address:
Mailbox: in Mailroom 15 MLH
Course web page: Assignments and other information about the course will be given in Students are responsible for checking regularly this course web page.
Textbook (reference): Dynamical Systems with Applications using Maple by Stephen Lynch, Birkhauser, Boston, 2001, 398 pages, ISBN 0-8176-4150-5, Price: $59.95, (ENGINEERING Library QA614.8 .L96 2001).
Additional references are:
Goals and objectives of the course: This course is a graduate course and it is assumed that you can work along the course in an independent fashion. This course will cover nonlinear differential equations, one- and two-dimensional flows, stability, phase plane, limit cycles, bifurcations, chaos, fractals, and applications. At the end of the course the student should master essential issues in nonlinear dynamics and chaos.
Class procedures: The majority of each class period will be lecture oriented. It is strongly advised to read the material to be discussed before coming to class.
Computer language: Maple
Computer resources: Computer accounts will be made available on the network in MLH B5. Check the laboratories reservation schedule and the web page of the Division of Mathematics Sciences Educational Laboratories for more information.
Grading procedures: The final grade will be based on one mid-term examination, the final examination, and homework, as follows:
The tests are open books and open notes examinations. Bring a scientific calculator. In assigning grades, plus/minus grading will be used.
Teaching assistant: Jasang Yoon, B20E MLH, 335-3807, e-mail:
Final examination: To be held on Monday, May 12, 2:15-4:15 PM in room 218 MLH. Only under exceptional circumstances will a student be permitted to shift the time of this examination. This final examination is an open books and open notes examination. Bring a scientific calculator.
Course outline:
This course plan may be modified during the semester. Such modifications will be announced in advance during class periods and on the course web page; the student is responsible for keeping abreast of such changes.
Notes to student: The Department of Mathematics has offices in 14 MLH. To make an appointment to speak with the Chair of the Department, call 335-0714 or contact the Departmental Secretary in 14 MLH.
I need to hear from anyone who has a disability, which may require some modification of seating, testing or other class requirements so that appropriate arrangements may be made. Please see me after class or during my office hours.