We are given a set of points in the plane as a linked list, pointList , a
source point src and target point trg . A man wishes to
travel from src
to trg , but he will be able to travel directly from point a to point
b only if the Euclidean distance between them is at most a given parameter
bound .
In general, then, his path from src to trg will consist
of a sequence of intermediate points from pointList . Our task
in this assignment is to write a Java program that will find a path with the smallest number of intermediate points. The method should take as input
src , trg , pointList , and bound ,
and print the number of intermediate stops in the best path. If no feasible path exists, it should print that information. You can add your method to
this file and test it using the input generated
there. The program should be efficient in terms of running time -- for this
assignment, that just means it should terminate within a few seconds when the
number of points in pointList is about 10000, as is the case with the way
the data is currently generated.
You have to submit the file containing the program source to a dropbox
called Homework6 that I will create on icon.