This page summarizes the lectures and mentions the suggested reading assignments.
This summary is quite brief, and its intention is to help the student and
instructor recollect what was covered.
Week 1
- Meeting 1: Introduction to the course. Finite automata: examples and definition. Pages 31--40 from Chapter 1 of text.
- Meeting 2: The process of designing finite automata. Operations on Languages. Closure under the union operation. Pages 39--47 from Chapter 1 of text.
Week 2
- Meeting 1: Regular languages are closed under union and intersection. Closure under concatenation? Introduction to Nondeterministic Finite Automata (NFA). Pages 45--51 from Chapter 1 of text.
- Meeting 2: More NFA examples. Formal definition of NFA. Equivalence of NFAs and DFAs. Pages 51--58.
Week 3
- Meeting 1: Equivalence of NFAs and DFAs. Closure of regular languages under union, concatenation, and star operations. Pages 54--63.
- Meeting 2: Regular Expressions: Definition and Examples. Pages 63 -- 66.
Week 4
- Meeting 1: A language is regular if and only if some regular expression describes it. Pages 66 -- 76.
- Meeting 2: Completing the above equivalence, and an introduction to nonregular languages and the pumping lemma. Pages 66-78.
Week 5
- Meeting 1: The pumping lemma, and its use in showing that certain languages are nonregular. Pages 77--82.
- Meeting 2: Context-Free Grammars, pages 102--106 of Chapter 2.
Week 6
- Meeting 1: Methods for designing CFGs. Ambiguity. Pages 106--108.
- Meeting 2: Pushdown automata and examples. Pages 111 -- 116.
Week 7
- Meeting 1: Equivalence of PDAs and CFGs, Part I: Converting a CFG into an equivalent PDA. Pages 117--120. Pages 121--124.
- Meeting 2: Midterm 1.
Week 8
- Meeting 1: Equivalence of PDAs and CFGs, Part II: Converting a PDA into an equivalent CFG. Pages 121--124.
- Meeting 2: Languages that are not context free -- Pumping lemma for CFLs.
Pages 125--128.
Week 9
- Meeting 1: More examples of languages that are not context free. Proof of the pumping lemma. Pages 125--129.
- Meeting 2: Turing Machines, Formal Definition, Examples. Pages 165--170.
Week 10
- Meeting 1: Turing-decidable and Turing-recognizable languages. Examples of Turing Machine descriptions at implementation level. Robustness. Multi-tape Turing Machines. Pages 169--178.
- Meeting 2: Nondeterministic Turing Machines. Church-Turing Thesis. Encoding graphs, automata, etc. as strings for TM input. Pages 178--187.
Week 11
- Meeting 1: Decidable problems concerning regular languages. Pages 193--197 of Chapter 4.
- Meeting 2: Decidable problems concerning context free languages. Chomsky Nornal Form. Pages 198--200.
Week 12
- Meeting 1: Undecidability. Countability. The set of rationals is countable why the ste of reals isn't. Diagonalization. Pages 201--206.
- Meeting 2: Midterm 2
Week 13
- Meeting 1: Some languages are not Turing-recognizable (Corollary 4.18). The acceptance problem for Turing machines is Turing-recognizable (page 202) but not decidable (page 207).
- Neeting 2: More on the undecidability of A_{TM}. The complement of this language is not Turing recognizable. Pages 207--210.