There are three problems in this homework, all designed to get us used to
recursion and thinking recursively. For each problem, submit all the
source files into a dropbox in ICON named Homework4.
Problem 1
We want to write a java method boolean search(int [] arr, int x)
that checks if x is present in the array arr that we
assume is sorted in non-decreasing order. We want to do this, as shown
here, by invoking the recursive binary
search method recSearch. Complete the latter method by filling in the
missing pieces.
Problem 2
We want to write a java method reverseArr(int [] arr) that
reverses the order of the elements in arr. We want to do this, as shown
here, by
invoking the recursive method void reverseArray(int [] A, int j, int k) that takes an input an integer array A, indices j
and k and reverses the order of the subarray A[j..k]. Fill in
the code for this latter method (which is discussed in Section
3.5 of the text.)
Problem 3
We want to add an instance method public boolean search(String s)
to the SLinkedList class here. This
method should return true or false depending on whether s is present in
the linked list. The method works by calling the recursive
method private boolean recSearch(String s, Node n), and your task
is to complete that method by filling in what's missing.