In this homework (posted Nov 6), you should implement a program corresponding
to Part Two
of Homework 6 . Note that this implementation
does not have to correspond to the outline you proposed in Homework 6.
You may find this little program a useful
guide to how you can manipulate strings. You may also want to refresh
your memory on how to use a library hash table.
Finally, you will need to test on a reasonably large store of words. I
will post something helpful here early next week.
You should plan to have enough time to revise your method if needed -- without
testing, it is hard to know how well a method will do.
I will post information here early next week on what to submit -- in addition
to the program you also need to submit a report on what your method is, and
how it performs. The program itself will be worth a regular homework, and the
report is worth half a regular homework.
Posted Nov 9:
Here is a file with a few thousand words. Save
this file as output.txt. Here is a
program that
reads the words in output.txt, stores them in a hash table and waits for
input from the user. Once the user enters a word, the programs reports if
the word is one of those that was read earlier. It then waits for another
input. After doing ten rounds of this, it quits.
You can test your program agains the words in output.txt. Notice
that some of the words in this file are strange (an artifact of the way the
file was created), and that words are duplicated.
Finally, do not build a solution that compares the input word
explicitly to every word that has been stored. This will not scale very well.
Posted Nov 13:
Along with your program, you should also submit a report. This should describe
what strategy you implemented and any ideas for further improvement based on
how it performed. It should also tell the grader how to use your program, if
this is not completely obvious.