22C:34 Discrete Structures I
Fall 2002/2003
Class Time: MWF 4:30-5:20, 3321 SC
Professor: Joe Kearney
Office: 101M MacLean Hall
Office Hours: TTh 1:30-3:00
Text Book: Discrete Mathematics 5th Edition,
by Richard Johnsonbaugh,
ISBN 0-13-089008-1
What's New (Last update 12/5/02)
The final exam is scheduled for Tuesday, December 17, from
9:45-11:45 AM in 110 MLH.
Lecture notes and solutions are posted on the
Mathematics Library Electronic Reserves Web Site
Please contact me if you have a disability, which may require some modification
of seating, testing or other class requirements, so that appropriate arrangements
may be made.