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There will be two 2-hour hands-on computing midterm exams and one comprehensive 2-hour hands-on final exam. The midterms will be scheduled in the computer lab outside of the regular class period and will replace the lab session for that week. The final will be given in the computer lab during the scheduled final-exam period. The computing exams are open book and open notes.

Midterm 1 9/25 4:30 - 6:20 p.m., 41 SH
  (replaces one lab)
Midterm 2 week of 10/30, 41 SH
  (replaces one lab )
Final exam Wed. 12/13 10:00 a.m. - noon

Missed exams may be made up only with documentation of reasons required by university policy (see ``Late Homework" above).

Cowles 2017-08-09