STAT 5400 Fall 2016 Instructor: Cowles Homework 1 Week 1, 8/24: Intro to Linux and LateX Reading (should be completed by Fri. Aug. 26): "Learning the shell" at Problems (due Fri. Sep. 2) Note: If you are logging in remotely to computers in the Linux lab, remember that each time you open a terminal window, you should {\tt ssh} to the same lab machine. If you forget to do that, every command that you type into the terminal window will be executed on the gateway computer -- a no-no! 1. If you are new to Linux, go through all the steps in "Learning the shell" (in Reading section) on a Linux computer. You do not have to turn in anything for this problem. 2. If you already know how to use a Linux text editor such as Emacs, gedit, vi, or Vim, it is fine to use any of them for this course. Emacs is worth learning if you don't already know it, however, because it has very convenient features for use with LaTeX and R. Emacs can be brought up in either of two ways: a. From the menu, choose "Accessories/Emacs." b. In a command window, enter emacs Emacs has pull-down menus that can be used for most file operations. However, you may want to learn the equivalent keystrokes, which will save you time if you use Emacs a lot. If you are not already familiar with Emacs, choose "Emacs Tutorial" from the Help menu and go through it. You do not have to turn in anything for this problem. 3. Create a directory called "STAT5400hw" in your home directory. Download the text file of this homework assignment into that directory. Edit the file as follows: a. Insert your name as the first line of the file. b. Delete the section containing the reading assignment. c. By default, do the Linux computers on the statistics network operate in text mode or in graphical mode? Type your answer in the space below, with a one-sentence justification. d. Open another terminal window. In that window, type the approprate Linux commands to: (1) change to the STAT5400hw directory (2) make a subdirectory called "junk" in the STAT5400hw directory (3) set the permissions on the "junk" subdirectory so that your group has read/write/execute permission and others do not have any access (4) list the contents of the STAT5400hw directory in such a way that file permissions are displayed (5) move the "junk" directory from the STAT5400hw directory into your home directory (6) remove the "junk" directory Copy the commands and output from the new window into the text file in the space below: 4. Save the text document. To submit your homework, go to the ICON webpage for this course (at Use the "Dropbox" option and upload your file to the Homework 1 folder. Homework must be submitted before 4:30 p.m. on due date.