Instructor: |
Kate Cowles |
374 SH |
335-0727 |
| |
Office hours: |
T 1:30 - 2:20 p.m. |
W 12:30 - 1:20 p.m. |
Th 1:30 - 2:20 p.m. |
Please feel free to make appointments to see me outside
of office hours, |
and to send me questions by e-mail. |
Department: |
Statistics and Actuarial Science, 241 SH |
DEO: |
Dr. Joe Lang, 241 SH, 335-0712 |
| |
Lectures: |
M, W, F 11:30-12:20 427 EPB |
Lab: |
Will replace 1 lecture every other week 41 SH |
Web page: | |
Handouts, homework assignments, datasets, etc. |
will be posted on the web page for you to download. |
Textbook: |
Moore, Notz, and Fligner, The Basic Practice of Statistics, 6th ed. |
2013, Freeman |
Recommended |
Delwiche and Slaughter, The Little SAS Book: a primer: a programming approach |
resource: |
2012; available as an electronic resource from UI library |