Some conferences in 2003 and 2004 where Jorgensen is an invited and featured speaker
Functional Analysis VIII, Dubrovnik, Croatia, June 15-27, 2003. Organizers: Hrvoje Kraljevic, Davor Butkovic, Murali Rao, Damir Bakic, Pavle Pandzic, Hrvoje Sikic, and Zoran Vondracek.
Second International Conference on Computational Harmonic Analysis in conjunction with the 19th Annual Shanks Lecture Honoring Baylis and Olivia Shanks, Vanderbilt University, Nashville Tennessee, May 24-30, 2004:
Conference web page (or see the Wavelet Digest announcement).
Organizers: Akram Aldroubi, Charles Chui,
Emmanuelle Candes, Richard Baraniuk, Francois Meyer, Thomas Strohmer, Hamid Krim, Bruno Torresani,
Douglas Hardin, Ed Saff.
Abstract of Jorgensen's talk
Functional and Harmonic Analyses of Wavelets and Frames, workshop 4-7 August 2004, National University of Singapore. Organizers: Judith Packer, Qiyu Sun, Wai Shing Tang.
Abstract of Jorgensen's talk
Tutorial Session: Unitary matrix functions, wavelet algorithms, and structural properties of wavelets at the N.U.S. workshop, 4-7 August 2004.
Contribution by Jorgensen to the Tutorial Sessions
AIMS' fifth international conference on Dynamical Systems and
Differential Equations, California State Polytechnic University,
June 16-19, 2004.
Abstract of Jorgensen's talk
Work displayed on this page was supported in part by the U.S. National Science Foundation under grants DMS-9987777 and DMS-0139473(FRG).
This page was last modified on 09 Mar 2004 by Brian Treadway.
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