FYI: Daniel Alpay has initiated the journal Complex Analysis and Operator Theory, and I will be one of the editors. It will cover various topics in operator theory and neighboring fields, including applications. The publisher is Birkhäuser Verlag, and this serves as a "call for papers." We will have at least 400 pages the first year (four issues of 100 pages). Further details will follow on submission and more, but authors may send papers to me or to any one of the other editors.
PS. Technical info for authors: The publisher plans that accepted papers will be on line. After papers are accepted, they will be adjusted slightly for typesetting, and authors will get a further chance for a quick proof, and then the article is put Online First.
PPS: One of the editors, M. Shapiro, is preparing a special issue of the journal in honor of Professor Livtinchuk.
This page was last modified on 24 August 2006 by Brian Treadway.