Jones Talk, Slide 14
- We must close loopholes
-- Software reuse is not a virtue where trojan horses lurk.
-- Must require audit or open source for all components.
-- May except only components where lack of threat is proven.Global Election Systems and Fidlar-Doubleday DRE machines both based on versions of Windows. With first version of latter, a new window manager feature revealed each voter's choice to the next voter.It is easy to design a window manager feature that evades testing, is hard to find in a code audit and will sway close elections.
- States must not accept Federal certification as gold standard
-- Many bad systems have passed FEC certification!The Chatsworth mark-sense reader is cited in the FEC standard as being "generally accepted with a proven track record of compatability with voting systems."- We must monitor incidents and adequacy of standards
-- Someone needs to collect data on every recount.