Machine Problem 3, due Mar 10

Part of the homework for 22C:50, Spring 2003
by Douglas W. Jones
THE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA Department of Computer Science

Copy the material from your mp2 directory to a new directory, mp3, and, do the following:

a) Add support for macros, with the opcode MACRO used, as in the notes, to introduce a macro definition. You need not support macro parameters.

b) Demonstrate the functioning of your macro facility by writing an EAL test program that exercises it.

c) For extra credit or honors, implement parameter passing for simple macro parameters; solutions incorporating this may be turned in late.

Turn in listings of any source files you had to change, along with an assembly listing of your test program. All changes should be documented with comments indicating that they are additions for MP3. As with MP1 and MP2, do not modify files in your mp3 directory after you turn in your work. We reserve the right to check the on-line copy of your work or to grade your work entirely on the basis of the on-line copy. Your on-line copy and the date-of-last-modification information for each file are insurance against lost or stolen paper copies, and the on-line date-stamp will be inspected if there is any suspicion of academic misconduct.