Machine Problem 1 Tests

22C:50 Section 2, Fall 2000

Douglas W. Jones

Here is a listing of some moderately exhaustive test input for the example assembler you should write for MP1. The assignment did not dictate a listing format, so you could simply output the memory contents as a sequence of bytes instead of worrying about trying to make a professional looking listing like this! What maters is the values assembled into the different memory locations.

     1             |; test.eal
     2             |
     3             |;------------------------------------------
     4             |; example test input for the EAL assembler
     5             |; author:  Douglas Jones
     6             |;------------------------------------------
     7             |
     8 0000: 00    |        B       0       ; we test decimal constants
     9 0001: 01    |        B       1               
    10 0002: 0A    |        B       10      ;   (as operands for B directives)
    11 0003: 10    |        B       16
    12 0004: FF    |        B       255
    13 0005: 00    |        B       #0      ; we test hexadecimal constants
    14 0006: 01    |        B       #1
    15 0007: 0A    |        B       #A      ;   (as operands for W directives)
    16 0008: 10    |        B       #10
    17 0009: FF    |        B       #FF
    18             |
    19 000A: FFFF  |        W       65535   ; we test words
    20 000C: FFFF  |        W       #FFFF
    21             |
    22             |     A  =  5            ; test definitions
    23             |     B  =  6
    24             |
    25 000E: 05    |        B       A
    26 000F: 06    |        B       B
    27             |
    28             |L:                      ; test labels
    29             |
    30 0010: 10    |        B       L
    31             |
    32 0011: 0000  |X:      W       0       ; demonstrate labels on words
    33 0013: 0011  |Y:      W       X
    34 0015: 0013  |        W       Y
    35             |
    36 0017: 05    |        B       A       ; show all the symbol values
    37 0018: 06    |        B       B
    38 0019: 10    |        B       L
    39 001A: 11    |        B       X
    40 001B: 13    |        B       Y
The above test input does not test forward references, and it does not test long identifiers. The following test shows reasonable behavior for both forward references and long identifiers:
     1             |; testlong.eal
     2             |
     3             |;------------------------------------------
     4             |; example test input for the EAL assembler
     5             |; author:  Douglas Jones
     6             |;------------------------------------------
     7             |
     8 0000: 0002  |        W       AveryLongForwardIdentifier
     9             |Backward:
    10 0002: 04    |        B       Forward
    11             |AVeryLongIdentifier = 1
    12             |AveryLongForwardIdentifier = 2
    13 0003: 02    |        B       Backward
    14             |Forward:
    15 0004: 0001  |        W       AVeryLongIdentifier
    16             |
    17 0006: 0003  |        W       AVeryLongIdentifer      ; one letter
    18             |AVeryLongIdentifer = 3                  ; different!
None of the above tests dealt with the assembler's ability to handle errors in the input. Here's a sample assembly listing demonstrating clean handling of some syntax errors that can be easily detedted and then going on to force a very strange string pool overflow:
     1             |; testbad.eal
     2             |
     3             |;------------------------------------------
     4             |; test error messages from EAL assembler
     5             |; author:  Douglas Jones
     6             |;------------------------------------------
     7             |
     8 0000: 01    |        B       1  3  5 ; extra operands
comment expected
     9             |     A  =  1  3  5      ; extra operands
comment expected
    10 0001: 00    |        B               ; missing operand
operand expected
    11             |     B  =               ; missing operand
operand expected
    12             |     C  =  &            ; an odd operand?
operand expected
    13             |     D  =  #FG          ; an odd digit?
comment expected
    14             |     E  =  12A          ; an odd digit?
comment expected
    15             |        X       1       ; not a proper pseudo-instruction
illegal opcode or pseudo-op
    16             |        &               ; some nonsense
comment expected
    17             |
    18             |VeryLongIdentifiersCauseBigProblems = 1
    19             |BecauseTheyFillUpTheStringPoolAnd   = 2
    20             |EventuallyItWillHoldNoMoreLetters   = 3
    21             |AndWhenThisHappensWeHopeForAnError  = 4
    22             |MessageInformingUsOfTheSituation    = 5
    23             |; SoThatWeCanUseMoreSensibleNames
string pool overflow
The fact that a string pool overflow was detected in line 23 of the above listing is a strange and unintended result of strictly following the assignment! A great homework problem would be to ask what the cause of this error is!