Midterm I Solutions and Comments

22C:50 Section 2, Fall 2000

Douglas W. Jones

Grade Distribution

    Median = 7.5                   X
                                   X   X X   X
                             X     X X X X   X X
                 X X     X X X     X X X X X X X
      0 . 1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 . 8 . 9 . 10
A grade scale:        D       C       B       A
Note on grade scales: One exam is not sufficient to assign a very detailed grade scale or well defined cutoffs between grades.
  1. The solution to MP2 assembles the given code as follows:
         1 0000: 16    |    B   22    ; 11 had big hexadecimal problems
         2 0001: 22    |X:  B   #22
         3 0002: 01    |    B   X
         4             |; commentary
         5 0003: 0A    |    B   Y     ; 12 had big problems with this
         6 0004: 05    |    B   Z     ; 11 had big problems with this
         7             |Y   =   10
         8             |Z:
         9             |              ; 11 had perfect scores
    ; symbol table:
    X       =       #0001
    Y       =       #000A
    Z       =       #0005             ; many had trouble with this
    For a bit more credit, most correctly identified lines 5 and 6 above as containing forward references.

  2. Consider this bit of C (or equally, C++) code:
    #define twice(x) x * 2
    #define next(x) x + 1
    int i = twice(next(4));
    4 students had perfect answers to this!

    a) 4 is the actual parameter to next. 7 missed this entirely.

    b) 4 + 1 is the actual parameter to twice. 10 missed this entirely. 5 prematurely evaluated the expression, passing 5.
    20 suggested next(4), and were incorrectly penalized. Those who received a 0.2 point penalty for this answer should see me!

    c) 4 + 1 * 2 replaces twice(next(4)). 5 missed this entirely. about half tried to evaluate the expression, giving the value 10, and many gave a parenthesized expression, with no hint of how the parentheses got introduced.

    c) The initial value of i is 6!

  3. The EAL assembler (the solution to MP3) gives the following:
         1 0000: 02    |    B   X
         2             |Z:
         3             |.   =   .+1    ; many ignored this line!
         4 0002: 0F    |X:  B   15
         5 0003: 0F    |Y:  B   15     ; 4 had no credit at all
         6             |.   =   Z
         7 0001: 03    |    B   Y      ; 10 had perfect scores here
         8             |.   =   Y+1
    ; symbol table:
    X       =       #0002
    Y       =       #0003
    Z       =       #0001
    For a bit more credit, 12 correctly noted that all of the symbols in the symbol table are relocatable.

  4. The following parser will handle the grammar; 9 had perfect answers.
    void parse_s_exper()
        if (lex_this != '(') {
            parse_atom();                    /* 21 got this */
        } else {
            if ( lex_this != ')' ) {         /* 12 got essentially this */
                while (( lex_this != '.' )   /* 16 got essentially this */
                &&     (lex_this != ')')) {
                        parse_s_expr();      /* 27 got this */
                if (lex_this == '.') {
                    lex_scan();              /* 31 got this */
            if (lex_this != ')') EXCEPT_RAISE( parse_error );
  5. 31 students agreed with the macro version of EAL, which gave the following:
         1             |    MACRO X I
         2             |      IF I > 0
         3             |        B I
         4             |        X (I-1)
         5             |      ENDIF
         6             |    ENDMAC
         7             |
         8             |    X 0
         9 0000: 01    |    X 1
        10 0001: 02    |    X 2
        10 0002: 01
        11 0003: 03    |    X 3
        11 0004: 02
        11 0005: 01