Always, on every assignment, please write your name legibly as it appears
on your University ID and on the class list! All assignments will be due
at the start of class on the day indicated, and unless there is what
insurance companies call "an act of God" - something outside your
control; the only exceptions to this rule will be by advance arrangement.
For those taking the course by video link, assignments may be submitted
electronically by E-mail to
Rajiv Raman.
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From chapter 3, do exercise 14, but then note: This is an authentication
problem, taken from a new perspective. So, having answered the question,
explain the relevance of the result to the problem of authenticating
legitimate users. (0.5)
From chapter 4, do problem 6, but know that the answer is yes, so explain,
in some detail, how this is so. (0.5)
From chapter 4, do problem 11, and then think about the relative speed
of instruction execution by the central processor versus the speed of fast
input/output devices. Is address translation really so time consuming? (0.5)
A very common objection to capability-based addressing is the difficulty
of revoking access to an object once a capability for that object has been
given to a process. (Question 15 from chapter 4 is related to this.)
One argument is that revocation is unnecessary. If you give a process access
to an object, even briefly, it could copy the object, so what good is
a) Given that process A with access to an object could copy it, why might
some other users of that object, processes B and C, want to revoke A's access?
b) Suppose you are writing code in a sysstem that did not permit access to an
object to be revoked after it had been granted. Given the situation outlined
above, what should B and C do if encountered the situation you identified in
part a above?
Given that a decision has been made to use a smart-card based authentication
system, what constraints would you place on the authentication protocol
in order to assure that it is resistant to forgery and to evesdropping?
Do problem 5 of chapter 5.
Under the Unix file system, explain how a file can end up so that the
processes that can attempt to open the file are unable to access the
file's contents, while the process that owns the file (and is billed for
the storage requirements of the file) is unable to delete it or change
the access rights. Problems 10 and 16 of chapter 5 are relevant to this.
Do problem 11 of chapter 5.
Do problem 14 of chapter 5.