Homework 7 Solutions

22C:116, Spring 1999

Douglas W. Jones
  1. Part A: The ISO OSI protocol hierarchy is not the final word in hierarchic analysis of communication protocols. For example, the given protocol can be broken down into the following layers: The 5 levels given above are grouped into 3 for the physical layer and 2 for the data-link layer. Each layer is sufficiently independent of the others that it could be used with other layers above or below it -- for example, 1200 baud asynch data could be sent using other encodings, and the use of ENQ/ACK/NAK handshaking would work just as well if the data were interpreted in any other character code, so long as the ENQ, ACK and NAK characters were not used by that code for any other purpose. the protocol hierarchy described above?

    Part B: Here is one solution, where the interrupt service routines themselves do everything involved in handshaking and retransmission.

        get ch from UART data input register
        if ch = ACK
          mode = normal
          enable output interrupt requests from UART
        else if ch = NAK
          mode = retransmit
          enable output interrupt requests from UART
          character must be part of some other data flow
        if mode = normal
          ch = dequeue( output_queue )
          buffer[ptr] = ch
          put ch in UART output data register
          if ptr = 1K then
            mode = sendenq
          else if empty( output_queue )
            disable output interrupt requests from UART
        else if mode = sendenq
          put ENQ in UART output data register
          ptr = 0
          disable output interrupt requests from UART
        else if mode = retransmit
          ch = buffer[ptr]
          if ptr = 1K then
            mode = sendenq
        disable output interrupt request from UART
        enqueue( output_queue, ch )
        enable output interrupt request from UART

  2. Remote-procedure-call protocols and the abstraction of a remote procedure allow code running on one machine to access functional behavior implemented on a remote machine. Typically, the remote procedure is implemented as part of a server that serves requests from any of many clients that may wish to call this procedure. Thus, remote procedure calls are implemented using a client-server architecture, and they are typically the primary tool used by clients of more complex servers for accesing the services offered by those servers.

  3. Part A: Canonical data representations solve the problem of accomodating arbitrary parameter and result structures across a variety of machines, even though some have adically differing native data representations. Canonical data representations do nothing to solve the problem of efficient calls to remote procedures that involve minimal parameter information, and in fact, the conversion to a canonical format may add significant overhead to such calls.

    Part B: Here is a proposal for a canonical data representation for data sent by a C program on one machine to a C program on another.