Homework 3 Solutions

22C:116, Spring 1999

Douglas W. Jones
  1. Part A: Here is a program that runs under the example thread manager consisting of 5 threads, 3 producers and 2 consumers, connected by a shared FIFO queue of characters. Each producer produces 10 items and then terminates. The consumers compute the total number of items dequeued, and the consumer that dequeues the 30th item outputs a message before terminating.
    /* following only needed for getpid() call used for srandom() */
    /* following only needed for random() and srandom() */
    /* following needed for most of program */
    #include "threads.h"
    /* Simulated Random Preemption */
    void may_relinquish()
    /* call this to randomly do context switching */
        if (random() & 3) thread_relinquish();
    /* FIFO Queue package */
    #define size 5
    struct thread_semaphore data, space;
    int head, tail;
    char qdata[size];
    void initqueue()
        thread_semaphore_init( &data, 0 );
        thread_semaphore_init( &space, size );
        head = 0;
        tail = 0;
    void enqueue( int c )
        thread_wait( &space );
        qdata[tail] = c;
        if (tail >= size) tail = 0;
        thread_signal( &data );
    int dequeue()
        int c;
        thread_wait( &data );
        c = qdata[head];
        if (head >= size) head = 0;
        thread_signal( &space );
        return c;
    /* The Application */
    void producer( int n )
        int i;
        for (i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
    int dequeue_count;
    void consumer( int n )
        int i,j;
        do {
            (void) dequeue();
        } while (dequeue_count != 30);
        puts( "done!" );
    int main()
        srandom( (unsigned) getpid() ); /* randomize the random numbers */
        dequeue_count = 0;
        thread_launch( 4000, producer, 'a' );
        thread_launch( 4000, producer, 'b' );
        thread_launch( 4000, producer, 'c' );
        thread_launch( 4000, consumer, '1' );
        thread_launch( 4000, consumer, '2' );

    Part B: After this program outputs the message `done' to say that the 30th item has been dequeued, the tread manager terminates the entire program; it does so with a normal termination message, but it leaves one of the producers hanging awaiting an item from the queue that will never arrive. It would take an extraordinary effort to make both consumers terminate cleanly when the final item went through the queue.

  2. Part A The data structures needed for implementing virtual memory on the Hawk machine include a page table and a frame table. The page table, indexed by page number, would contain entries formatted to match the MMU Data Register, so we can imagine a format such as the following:
    Page Table Structure
    |_______________________________________|/////////////|_|_|_|_|_| 0
    |_______________________________________|/////////////|_|_|_|_|_| 1
    |_______________________________________|/////////////|_|_|_|_|_| 2
    |_______________________________________|/////|_|_|_|0|_|_|_|_|_| n
    |31                                   12|11   |     |5|4       0|
                  physical page             unused R'W'X'   C R W X V
                 (frame) number
    In the above, the C, R, W, X and V fields are defined identically to the corresponding fields in the MMU data register. The G field is not used, and the corresponding bit in the page-table entry is always zero! The R' and W' bits are used to support soft page faults.

    In a page table entry, if the V bit is zero, the page is invalid or on disk. It is invalid if the R'W'X' field is zero, indicating that the page can never be used. The R'W'X' bits have exactly the same meaning as the RWX bits, but are interpreted only by software. These bits differ in the event that soft page faults are being used to mark or dirty pages.

    The frame table, indexed by frame number, can have entries that mirror the trap-memory-address register:

    Frame Table Structure
    |_______________________________________|/////////////////////|_| 0
    |_______________________________________|/////////////////////|_| 1
    |_______________________________________|/////////////////////|_| 2
    |_______________________________________|/////////////////////|_| n
    |31                                   12|11                   | |
    |                 page                                         V|
    If the V bit in a frame-table entry is 0, the page field is nonsense.

    Part B Here is high level pseudocode for a page-fault trap service routine on the Hawk machine:

    page fault service routine:
       temp = trap memory address register
       cause = temp & 3
       page = temp >> 12
       entry = page_table[page]
       select cause in
        case 0:  -- invalid TLB entry
          if entry.V then -- page table entry is valid, soft fault
             mmu_data_register = entry
          else -- page is actually invalid
             if entry.R'W'X' = 000 then -- page should never be used
                user's saved PC = user's bus-trap handler address
    	    -- above code forces bus trap for user!
             else -- it is a normal page fault
                . -- code for normal page fault handling
        case 1:  -- fetch from non-code page
          if entry.X' = 0 then -- genuinely not executable
             user's saved PC = user's bus-trap handler address
             -- above code forces bus trap for user!
          else -- soft page fault to mark page
             entry.X = 1
             mmu_data_register = entry
        case 2:  -- store on non-writable page
          if entry.W' = 0 then -- genuinely not writable
             user's saved PC = user's bus-trap handler address
             -- above code forces bus trap for user!
          else -- soft page fault to mark page
             entry.W = 1
             mmu_data_register = entry
        case 3:  -- read from non-readable page
          if entry.R' = 0 then -- genuinely not readable
             user's saved PC = user's bus-trap handler address
             -- above code forces bus trap for user!
          else -- soft page fault to mark page
             entry.R = 1
             mmu_data_register = entry
    In the page-fault handling code omitted above, we assume some kind of clock algorithm will be used. In the code for clock replacement, the following functions (or macros) can be used:
       is_marked( frame )
          if frame_table[frame].V then -- this frame holds some page
             entry = page_table[frame_table[frame].page]
             if entry.RWX = 000 then
                return false
                return true
             return false
       unmark( frame )
          if frame_table[frame].V then -- this frame holds some page
             entry = page_table[frame_table[frame].page]
             entry.RWX = 000
             trap_memory_address_register = frame_table[frame]
             MMU_data_register = 0  -- invalidate TLB entry
             -- if page is needed, a soft page fault will update the TLB
       is_dirty( frame )
          if frame_table[frame].V then -- this frame holds some page
             entry = page_table[frame_table[frame].page]
             if entry.W = 0 then
                return false
                return true
             return false
       mark_clean( frame )
          if frame_table[frame].V then -- this frame holds some page
             entry = page_table[frame_table[frame].page]
             entry.W = 0
             trap_memory_address_register = frame_table[frame]
             MMU_data_register = 0  -- invalidate TLB entry
             -- if page is needed, a soft page fault will update the TLB

  3. Problem 13 from Chapter 3 in the text asks for a reference string from a sample program:
    Load word 6144 into register 0
       Fetch from 1020
    Push Register 0 onto stack (this is the actual parameter)
       Fetch from 1024
       Store to 8192
    Call procedure at 5120
       Fetch from 1028
       Store to 8188
    Subtract 16 from SP (this is in the called procedure)
       Fetch from 5120
    Compare actual parameter
       Fetch from 5124
       Load from 8192
    Jump if equal to 5152
       Fetch from 5128
    In the above, I have assumed, rather arbitrarily, that instructions and operands are 32 bits each, and that immediate operands are embedded in the instruction word and not stored in successive addresses after the instruction.