Homework 1 Solutions
22C:116, Spring 1997
Ioana M. Lungeanu
Problem 2
For Hawk fictional machine, http://homepage.cs.uiowa.edu/~dwjones/arch/hawk
The CPU state includes: 15 general purpose registers, program counter
and the condition code register (the other special trap reagisters
are not realy needed for our problem).
The data structure(with 17 words):
svPSW = 0 <<2 ;for PSW
svR1 = 1 <<2 ;for registers
svR2 = 2 <<2
svR3 = 3 <<2
svR4 = 4 <<2
svR5 = 5 <<2
svR6 = 6 <<2
svR7 = 7 <<2
svR8 = 8 <<2
svR9 = 9 <<2
svRA = 10 <<2
svRB = 11 <<2
svRC = 12 <<2
svRD = 13 <<2
svRE = 14 <<2
svRF = 15 <<2
svPC = 16 <<2 ;for PC
Problem 3
The procedure Switch is called after a trap with the 2 parameters oldp
and newp being pointers of two records with the above structure. Our
job is easier on this particular architecture due to the existance of
an automatic save of the program counter when a trap accurs, in TPC.
oldp: W OLD
newp: W NEW
;first saves the CPU state in OLD
TSVSET R1 ;save R1
LOAD R1,oldp ;get the pointer where to save
STORE R2,R1,svR2 ;save R2
STORE R3,R1,svR3 ;save R3
STORE R4,R1,svR4 ;save R4
.................. ;save R5-R15
STORE R2,R1,svR1 ;save R1
STORE R3,R1,svPC ;save PC
STORE R4,R1,svPSW ;save PSW
;secondly restores the CPU state from NEW
LOAD R1,newp get the pointer to new state
LOAD R4,R1,svR4 ;restore R4
.................. ;restore R5-r15
TPCSET R2 ;put PC into TPC
PSWSET R3 ;restore PSW
LOAD R3,R1,svR3 ;restore R3
LOAD R2,R1,svR2 ;restore R2
LOAD R1,R1,svR1 ;restore R1
RTT ;Go to the new state
Problem 4
A device driver is a piece of system software which handles
the low-level communication between a particular device
(or family of familiar devices) and the computer to which
is connected, acting as a mediator between the higher-level
system software and the device. It is the responsability of
the device driver to deal with the low-level details and
peculiarities of the device. It hides the device dependent
features, thus providing the user with an abstract model of
the device. Thus, the user can communicate with the device
at a higher level, and all devices of a similar nature can
be accessed in a uniform manner, which is conceptually easier
to understand and use.
Problem 5
CPU's ussually have two execution modes: user mode and kernel
mode. A privileged instruction is an instruction which can be
executed in kernel mode only. The operating system runs in
kernel mode whereas user programs run in user mode. Thus,
user programs do not have access to proviledged instructions.
This set-up provides a measure of security against tampering
of the hardware and software by users. In particular, the
user can access resources only through the "proper channels"
(system calls). This preserves the function of the operating
system as resource manager.
If a priviledged instruction is encountered in user mode,
a trap is generated. The operating system must service the
trap in an appropriate manner, e.g. by terminating the offending
Commonly I/O instructions are priviledged. For a user having
access to I/O instructions would be able to overwrite system
software, access password files, mess up disk drives. For similar
reasons, trap instructions and instructions which allow direct
manipulation of certain CPU registers (such as being able to
arbitrarily load into the program counter) should also be