Assignment 10, due Apr. 22
Part of
the homework for 22C:112, Spring 2011
On every assignment, write your name and the course number legibly. Exceptions will be by advance arrangement unless there is what insurance companies call "an act of God" (something outside your control). Homework must be turned in on paper, either in class or in the teaching assistant's mailbox. Never push late work under someone's door!
Also, suppose you have a lightweight thread manager such as the user-level thread package that was the subject of last week's homework. This thread manager multiplexes a single user process to support multiple threads. As such, it cannot exploit the resources of a multicore CPU. This thread manager creates thread data structures on a heap, maintains a ready list, and provides a relinquish() operation by which a thread may allow another thread to run.
Your goal is to design (but not write the code for) a lightweight thread manager. This thread manager should allow lightweight threads to run on different cores of the CPU when possible.
One way (not very smart, but easy to debug) to write the thread manager would be for it to start by launching one idle thread per core of the CPU and then fork multiple times so that there is one process per core. Then, and only then, would it begin launching and running user threads. All of the thread manager processes would run concurrently until the thread manager terminates, usually when the program itself terminates. The disadvantage of this is obvious: It uses all of the cores as much of the time as the operating system permits whether or not the user needs that many threads.
a) Suggest an alternative rule for when the thread manager should fork another process to run threads. (0.5 points)
b) As a companion to part a, suggest an alternative rule for when one process of the thread manager should terminate. (0.5 points)
c) Consider the problem of supporting semaphores in this multicore thread manager. The semaphore implementation in the user-level thread package discussed in last week's homework would suffice on a uniprocessor. Why would this fail on a multithreaded processor? (0.5 points)
a) For each of these, clearly identify the setting in which it is the most appropriate alternative. (0.5 points)
b) For each of these, clearly identify the major disadvantage or limitaiton of the approach that makes it inappropriate in many settings. (0.5 points)
c) Each of the above approaches rests on mechanisms. Some of the mechanisms used in some of these approaches require mutual exclusion to implement them. Others are stand-alone mechanisms. For each such mechanism mentioned in the above list, which approach (or approaches) will likely be used to implement that mechanism. (0.5 points)
Back to the little Unix shell from MP1! Due, May 2. Add support for these two little features:
You may require that there be spaces before the ampersand and pipe symbols, in order to minimize the need to make any changes to the command line parsing mechanism.
You will need to look at the pipe() kernel call to create a pipe, and you will need to look at the You may need to look at the open(), close() and dup() kernel calls to understand how to control which file descriptors are used for what.