Rotating magnetic memory devices date back to the early 1950's. The first such devices were drums, with one head fixed over every track. The drum on ILLIAC I, for example, had 64 tracks, with an 8 by 8 array of heads. (This drum is still owned by the U of Illinois computer science department).
In the late 1950's and early 1960's, workers at IBM figured out how to make a record/playback head "fly" over the flat surface of a spinning disk. The result was a new technology, the moving head disk, where one head was positioned over each recording surface on the disk spindle and moved in or out to the appropriate track.
For large-capacity, high performance disks, whether in 1965 or 2000 a number of disk platters are rigidly attached to each disk spindle. The number of platters on one spindle has varied greatly over the years. IBM's original disk had a huge number of platters, while it was common to see disks with 12 platters on a common spindle in the early 1970's. Usually, both sides of each platter are used for data storage; today's larger disks typically have 4 or 8 recording surfaces.
When there are multiple recording surfaces, there is typically only one
head per surface, with all heads sharing a common head-positioning mechanism,
as illustrated below:
|| v------|| __________
=====[]===== ||___| |
|| ^------|| | head |
|| v------||___|positioner|
=====[]===== || |__________|
| |
| motor|
It's fun to note that the tiny disks used in today's laptop computers
frequently have the motor literally inside the hub of the disk, while
the old disk drives of the late 1960's had motors the size of those found in
washing machines, with a belt-drive from motor to disk spindle.
Moving head disks did not displace older technologies immediately. Drums continued to be made until the mid 1960's, and fixed head disks, disks with one head fixed over every track, persisted into the 1970's. Furthermore, moving head disks have been made with more than one head per recording surface, and they have been made with more than one head positioner per disk drive. Such eccentric designs are relatively uncommon and will not be discussed here!
The first moving-head disks with one head per surface date from the very early 1960's. The IBM 1401 computer, indroduced in 1961, came with the IBM 1505 disk drive (the combination was sold under the name RAMAC -- The Random Access Method of Accounting Control, named for its initial business applications). This disk drive had 25 platters, 200 tracks per surface, 5 sectors per track and 200 6-bit bytes per sector. 5 and 10 platter disks were common in the late 1960's and early 1970's, with platters about 14 inches in diameter. Some early disks used hydraulic head positioning mechanisms, but the dominant head positioning technology for high performance disks from the late 1960's to the present has been the voice-coil servo drive.
Reynold B. Johnson, 1906-1998, led the IBM lab in San Jose that developed the RAMAC; he also developed one of the first mark-sense readers and the 1/2-inch video-tape. (Professor Lindquist of the University of Iowa developed the other early mark-sense reader to grade his college entrance exam, the ACT.)While the speed and capacity of rotating storage media have increased immensely since the early days of computing, and sizes have fallen from large free-standing cabinets to palm-sized enclosures, the basic physics has remained unchanged, and thus, the basic issues with which the software must deal are the same now as they were in the early 1950's.
Today's rotating storage media include not only magnetic disks but also magneto-optical disks, and the purely optical CD-ROM and CD-R/W and DVD disks. All of these share significant characteristics with the older magnetic disk technologies, but there are added complexities.
Magneto-optical disks, for example, frequently rely on the Curie-effect for erasure. Heating a magnetic material to the Curie point for that material demagnetizes it. In a magneto-optical disk, the heating is done by a laser, and the general rule is that it takes two passes of the head assembly over a track to record data, one pass for the erasure, and a second pass to magnetically record. CD-R/W disks share this characteristic, using a medium power laser to anneal the reflective layer, reforming it so that new data can be recorded. As a result, read times on these disks are usually, at least twice as fast as write times, and there is good reason to erase and rewrite data one full track at a time in order to minimize the time differential between reading and writing.
CD-ROM is a read-only medium, and CD-R disks (recordable CD) are called WORM devices, Write Once Read Multiple (or Write Once Read Mostly) devices because the write process is done by permanently altering the reflectivity of spots on disk by localized laser-induced melting. This has a significant effect on the software!
The rotational speed of all high performance disks is fixed, whether they are based on magnetic or optical technology; typical disks of the early 1970's ran at 20 revolutions per second, while modern high performance disks may rotate much faster. The stored kinetic energy in the rotating disk is sufficient that it may take a few seconds to bring it up to speed on power-up, and any speed change after that prohibitively expensive. This is as true of todays miniature disk drives with flea-sized motors as it was in the days when the disk assembly weighed 20 pounds and was spun by a washing-machine motor.
Some floppy disk drives, notably the old Apple Macintosh 800K drives, used a variable speed scheme to pack a bit more data onto a disk than they could pack onto a fixed speed disk. This worked only because the floppy disk itself is very lightweight and rotates relatively slowly; most of the motor power is needed to overcome friction and it takes only a small amount of power to accelerate or decelerate the disk. It is easier to use a variable speed clock to solve this problem. While variable speed clocks easy to build at low data rates typical of floppy disks, variable speed clocking for hard drives is quite difficult and is quite rare.
Disk recording surfaces are usually divided into numerous circular tracks, this applies to all disk technologies except those descended from the audio CD; in that case, because the original goal of the technology was to record continuous music, the data is stored on a single spiral track, the digital equivalent of the groove on a gramaphone disk. Whatever the disk storage medium, it is typical to subdivide recording tracks into sectors, and the basic operation on the disk is to read or write one sector of data. On a disk or drum with one head fixed over each track, the time delay between the issue of a read or write and the completion of that operation can be divided into two components, the rotational latency time and the transfer time.
The rotational latency time is the time it takes for the rotation of the disk to bring the start of the desired sector into position under the head. This may vary from one full revolution, if the start of the desired sector had just passed under the head at the time the transfer was requested, to nothing, if the start of the desired sector is just about to pass under the head at the time the transfer is requested.
The transfer time is the time it takes for the rotation of the disk to rotate one sector past the head.
With the advent of moving head disk technology in the early 1960's, a new component was added to the time taken for a single read or write operation, the head positioning latency time or seek time. (The latter term derives from the common use of the verb `to seek' to describe the act of moving the heads to the desired track.) This is the time it takes for the disk head positioning mechanism to move the heads to the desired track; it may vary from nothing, in the case where the head was already on the desired track, to an appreciable fraction of a second.
Typical head positioning hardware smoothly accelerates the head from the starting track to the end track, and a bit of simple physics leads to the result that such hardware will give track-to-track head movement times that are quadratic. That is, if a move of one track takes one time unit, a move of four tracks will take two time units and a move of nine tracks will take three time units.
A typical sector on disk is organized as follows:
__________________________________________________________ |________|______________________________________|__________| prolog data epilog disk address checksumTypically, the prolog includes synchronizing marks that allow the clock used for reading the sector to be synchronized with the data and that allow the hardware to recognize the start of a disk sector. Following this, the prolog typically includes the full disk address of the sector. Sometimes, the prolog also contains "skew" patterns used to help keep the disk head positioned over the track.
Aside: The terms prolog and epilog are not universal. Header and trailer are also common, as are preamble and postamble. They all mean the same thing!
The disk address is included in the prolog for many reasons. First, it allows verification that the head positioning hardware and disk surface selection logic is working correctly, or at least, that it is working the same way it was when the disk was formatted. Second, on some disks, the head positioning servo actually uses the track or cylinder numbers read off the disk to move the heads in or out to the right track, and finally, the addressing logic of many disk systems relies on the sector number recorded at the start of each sector to determine whether the sector is the one the user wishes to access.
The end of the prologue is typically a checksum on just the prologue. Once the prologue is recorded by the disk formatter, it is usually never written again. When a write operation is requested, the hardware begins by reading and verifying the prologue. Only then does it begin to write the data.
The epilogue typically consists of a checksum. All read and write operations must process the entire sector, either writing a full sector and then writing the checksum, or reading the full sector and then verifying the checksum. If the disk controller allows partial sector reads or writes, this is an illusion. A partial sector write almost always overwrites the full sector, appending arbitrary data to the user's data in order to achieve this. A partial sector read only reports a fraction of the sector's data to the user, but the entire sector must be read by the controller in order to verify the checksum.
When a "raw" disk is mounted on a disk drive, it must be formatted. Typically, this involves writing random data, or all zeros, in each sector of each track of the disk. The important part of the formatting operation is that the prologs and epilogs on all of the sectors are written.
Usually, the disk formatting software also verifies that each sector is readable and writable, gathers the good sectors into a free-space data structure, and creates a file system of some type on the disk. The latter subject will be discussed in more detail later.
If the prolog on each sector includes skew bits used for head positioning, these bits cannot be written by formatting software on most disk drives. the skew bits, and those parts of the prolg related to them are usually recorded on special disk drives in the factory before the disk is mounted in its end-user drive. Any error causing these bits to be damaged will effectively destroy the disk, since the end-user cannot reformat to correct such errors.
When the disk interface is configured for disk formatting, the software can typically write out arbitrary data to fill entire sectors, including the prolog and epilog. This gives the software the option of laying down sectors in arbitrary order on each track of the disk. If they are put down in consecutive ascending order, it may be impossible to read or write consecutive sectors at full speed. This is because, by the time the interrupt marking the end of one read or write has been processed, it may be too late to start work on the next sector without waiting a full revolution.
To avoid this, many disk formatting programs record sectors in interleaved order, so that logically consecutive sectors are not physically consecutive. Here are some examples of interleaved sectors on a fictional 8 sector per track disk:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 non-interleaved 0 4 1 5 2 6 3 7 2-way interleaved 0 3 6 1 4 7 2 5 3-way interleaved
To read or write one sector of a disk, the software must:
1) Specify the address of a buffer in memory.
2) Specify one of the several disk drives that may be attached to a single controller.
3) Specify how to position the heads on the drive in question. This is usually called the cylinder portion of the disk address.
4) Specify which recording head or recording surface is to be used on the selected drive.
5) Specify which sector of the track selected by the cylinder and surface is to be used.
6) Specify the data transfer direction.
In simple disk controllers, each of the above might appear as a separate register in the controller, writable by software. Typically, the actual transfer begins only when the final command is issued, the transfer direction. Typically, it is the act of loading a value in the final register that actually starts the controller in operation. Thus, the loading of a memory address or a field of the disk address has no effect until the software actually specifies a read or write operation, at which point, the values previously loaded are used to initiate a seek on the appropriate drive, await the right sector of the selected track, and then transfer the data.
When a data transfer is completed, a status register typically displays this fact, along with an indication of any errors detected. In addition, the done condition usually results in an interrupt request.
Real disk interfaces are complicated by three factors:
First, interface busses such as the SCSI bus separate the responsibility for each operation into two halves, as illustrated below:
__________ __________ ____ CPU ----->| DMA | | DISK |-|disk| |controller|<========>|controller|-|disk| Memory <=>|__________| |__________|-|____|This design has been common back into the 1960's, with the IBM 360 channel architecture serving as the architypical example. There, the DMA controller was called a channel processor. Today, for example, we might use a SCSI controller or a USB controller to serve this purpose, and as with the old IBM 360 channel processors, we hang multiple disks (and their controllers) off of the bus attached to this.
Of course, everything is smaller today than in the 1960's. Today's disk controllers are made of a few chips mounted on a single printed circuit board attached to each disk drive, and today's channel processors are usually as small, built into the motherboard of the host computer. In the 1960's, each of these occupied a free-standing cabinet full of electronics.
Then and now, commands from the CPU to the channel controller, perhaps a SCSI controller, direct it to transfer data to or from some memory buffer and direct it to forward certain additional commands to the disk controller. All of the usual I/O operations are possible with such systems, but most such systems also allow many nonsensical operations such as directing the channel controller to read data from the disk to memory, while directing the disk controller to write data from the memory to disk.
Second, with a number of disks on one controller, it is frequently useful to start one disk seeking while another reads or writes data. Thus, many disk controllers allow a seek operation to be initiated on some disk without initiating either a read or write. Software that actually uses this feature is common on the high performance operating systems but rare on personal computers.
Third, some DMA controllers allow "scatter read" and "gather write" operations. That is, the memory buffer need not be a single contiguous buffer, but may be described by a string of base-count pairs, each giving the base address of one part of the buffer and a count of the words or bytes in that part. This is extremely useful when a buffer may span many pages in a virtual memory system -- in that case, it is rare for the physical addresses of the pages making up the buffer to be contiguous, but it is still quite desirable to allow large I/O transfers do be done as one DMA transfer.
Forth, many disk controllers allow multiple sectors to be read in sequence. Thus, it is frequently possible to read or write as much as an entire track to or from the disk in one transfer.
Finally, since the mid 1970's, some modest performance disk controllers have been built without the full generality of DMA. Instead, the disk controllers are built with an integral buffer, and all disk I/O is to or from this buffer. Prior to writing the disk, software running on the CPU must copy the data from the application's memory area to the disk buffer, and after a read, it is up to software to copy from the disk buffer to the user's buffer. The disk buffer in such controllers may or may not be addressable as a normal memory area.
Typically, assuming a simple disk interface, without the added features discussed above, a modern operating system will maintain a queue of disk I/O requests -- disk I/O that has been requested by users but not yet carried out by the disk interface. A typical disk I/O queue will contain records with a format such as the following:
Disk Request Record: Buffer Address in main memory. Disk Address: cylinder. surface. sector. transfer direction done semaphoreA user process, or rather, the file system or page fault handler, acting on behalf of a user, might pose a disk request as follows:
enqueue( request, disk-queue ) enable( disk_interrupt ) P( request.semaphore )The interrupt service routine might operate as follows:
disable( disk_interrupt ) if request <> null then V( request.semaphore ) -- the above lets a waiting user continue if not empty( disk-queue ) then request := dequeue( disk-queue ) buffer-address-register := request.buffer-address disk-address-registers := request.disk-address disk-command := request.transfer-direction enable( disk_interrupt ) return else request := null returnDisk interrupts signal the completion of the previously requested operation, so the first thing the interrupt service routine does is signal the semaphore on which the process requesting the previous service may have blocked. The having done this, the interrupt service routine continues by starting a new disk transfer, if one is pending in the disk request queue.
Note that, if the queue is empty, the disk routine returns, leaving the interrupt disabled but doing nothing to make the controller drop its interrupt request. When a user enqueues a new request, the user code enables the interrupt, causing an immediate interrupt and allowing the controller to immediately start the newly requested transfer.
Exercise: The above pseudocode for the disk interrupt service routine and for enqueueing disk requests assumes that disk I/O is being requested for typical user code. Imagine the case where some disk requests are enqueued by the page-fault service routine. In that case, it may be awkward for the service routine to block on a semaphore (some models of interrupt service prohibit service routines from blocking on anything), so it may be better to have the disk interrupt service routine finish the processing of the page fault. Propose an augmented data structure for the disk request queue and pseudocode for the page-fault handler and disk interrupt service routine to do this.
One way to improve the performance of a disk system is to use the queue of pending disk requests as a cache. New read requests are only posted to the queue if no write is pending to the same sector, and new write requests cause previously posted write requests addressed to the same sector to be deleted. The following version of the user's code to post a new disk I/O request to the disk request queue describes this:
if request.disk-address matches prior.disk-address where prior is a request already in the disk-queue if request.direction = in and prior.direction = out copy prior.buffer into request.buffer return if request.direction = out and prior.direction = out delete prior from disk-queue return enqueue( request, disk-queue ) enable( disk_interrupt ) P( request.semaphore ) returnThe result of this logic is that there will never be more than one write queued for any disk sector, and if a write is queued for a sector, there will be no reads queued for that sector.
Exercise: Multiple reads from the same sctor can also be combined. Propose additions to the disk request queue data structure and to the pseudocode given here that would do this.
Latency is the time between the initiation of an operation and the actual start of the operation; this term is standard English and applies far more widely than computer science. Rotational latency is the delay caused by the rotation, for example, a delay waiting for a particular sector to arrive under the head of a disk. Recirculating shift register memories hava analogous latency problems that are usually described as rotational latency.
Interleaving, as already described, is used to address latency problems some disk interfaces have when reading the consecutive sectors of a track.
Head positioning latency is the delay caused by the need to move the disk heads from one track to another on a moving head device. If a group of reads are completed from one cylinder before any reads on an adjacent cylinder are attempted, the head motion latency will be less than would be expected by reading alternate sectors from alternate cylinders.
Disk scheduler software can markedly improve the performance of disk I/O for any disk that serves multiple independent sources of I/O requests. This is typical of disks in large timesharing systems and of disks in network file servers. The key is to note that, if there are multiple requests in the disk I/O queue, the time taken to process those requests depends on the order in which they are processed. This is because the latency time depends on the order in which they are accessed.
For example, consider a request queue containing 2 requests for operations on track 1 and two requests for operations on track 400. Clearly, if these are done in the order (1, 400, 1, 400) the result will be quite a bit slower than if they are done in the order (1, 1, 400, 400). The former requires three long seeks, while the latter requires only one long seek.
Thus, if disk requests are scheduled in the appropriate order, disk performance can be markedly improved. It is generally impossible to point to a separate procedure in the operating system and say "this is the disk scheduler". Instead, the disk scheduler is broken between the two ends of the disk request queue, and the queue data structure is itself the structure used to organize the scheduler.
Typically, the queue for each disk is broken into separate pieces for each cylinder, and the enqueue routine on the user side of the disk request queue is made responsible for enqueueing the request in the appropriate cylinder's queue. The scheduling policy is then the responsibility of the disk interrupt service routine.
Typical scheduling policies are:
1) FIFO, the base case, is inherently fair to all users, but it does nothing to improve throughput. (A fun exercise is to quantify fairness and then prove that the FIFO policy is optimal).
2) Shortest seek time first. After processing all pending requests for the current cylinder, the next cylinder to be processed is the one with pending requests that is closest to the current cylinder. This policy produces good throughput (the number of I/O requests processed per second) but it is unfair, it will cause some users to wait indefinitely. (The optimality of this method depends on how the seek time varies as a function of the number of cylinders moved. For a fun exercise, figure out the class of functions for which this is optimal.)
3) The bidirectional elevator algorithm. After processing all requests for the current cylinder, the next cylinder to be processed is the one closest to the current cylinder in a fixed direction, for example, towards the center of the disk. Only if no work is pending in any cylinder in that direction does the preferred direction reverse so that future seeks will be in the opposite direction. This technique offers a good throughput, but it discriminates against disk requests near either extreme of the range of valid cylinder numbers.
Conceptual View of an Elevator Algorithm
Queues for each disk cylinder --------- | 00000 | | --------- | 000 | | Source --------- | of ----> 0000 | | requests --------- /---\ Cylinder 00| currently --------- \---/ being 0 | served ---------4) The unidirectional elevator algorithm. After processing all requests for the current cylinder, the next cylinder to be processed is the one closest to the current cylinder in a fixed direction, for example, towards the center of the disk. Only if no work is pending in any cylinder in that direction does a seek in the opposite direction take place. In that case, the most distant available cylinder with pending work is selected, and the preferred direction remains unchanged. This technique offers equal service to all cylinders while only slightly reducing the throughput of the bidirectional elevator.
The conflict between throughput and fairness illustrated above is typical of a number of issues on operating systems. Attempts to optimize against a single goal are fairly straightforward, but there is no solution which is simultaneously optimal against both criteria!
The elevator algorithm is named after the algorithm used by an elevator in a tall building. The following pseudocode implements this algorithm:
enqueue( request, disk-queue[ request.cylinder ] ) enable( disk_interrupt ) P( request.semaphore )The interrupt service routine might operate as follows:
disable( disk_interrupt ) if request <> null then V( request.semaphore ) -- the above lets a waiting user continue if empty( current-queue ) then -- time to move the elevator to a new floor i := current-cylinder repeat i := (i + 1) mod cylinders until i = current_cylinder or not empty( disk-queue[i] ) current-queue := disk-queue[i] disk-queue[i] := empty current-cylinder := i end if if empty( current-queue ) request := dequeue( current-queue ) buffer-address-register := request.buffer-address disk-address-registers := request.disk-address disk-command := request.transfer-direction enable( disk_interrupt ) else request := null;Note that the disk interrupt service routine uses a separate queue, current-queue to hold the requests for the cylinder it is currently servicing. This prevents late arrivals at that cylinder from being served until the next visit to that cylinder; if this was not done, and if some process continuously maintained a supply of pending disk addresses for one cylinder, no other cylinder would ever be served.
Another detail to note is that the search for the next cylinder to process need not be a sequential search, as outlined above. If the disk queue array is maintained as a circular sparse array (a linked list structure), so that empty queues are not represented at all, the next queue will always be adjacent to the current one and the computation shown as a search above can be recoded as a simple pointer assignment. (for a pleasant exercise, write the necessary code.)
Read( ch ) Arbitrary software Write( ch ) <-----> that performs actions Read( buf, add ) that look like I/O to Write( buf, add ) the user, and may even involve I/O Used for disk files, windows, network ports, and similar abstractions.The advantages of using a standard software interface for every device, whether disk or terminal or printer or network port have been known since the days of FORTRAN. To achieve this, it is necessary to have a user-level device interface that is sufficiently flexible to operate with both random access and sequential devices, supporting both stream and block modes of operation on any device. The low level Unix interface (read, write, seek) is one good example of such an interface.
This interface may be considered a virtual device interface, with the input output software serving the function of virtual to physical input output operation translation.
The virtual device may also be considered as an object, in the sense used in object-oriented programming. In fact, the first clear description of how objects in this sense can be implemented came from the field of operating systems, in a paper by Christopher Strachey in his OS 6 system from the mid 1960's. In this system, he used the following implementation:
An open file descriptor ________ F ----------->| o--|--------> Read( F, ch ) | o--|--------> Write( F, ch ) |________| Data specific | | Pointers to code to this file | | to do device dependant and device | | part of the I/O operation |________| Read( F, ch ) <------ the device independant read { routine called by the user. F^.Read( F, ch ) } It simply calls the device specific routine, passing the pointer to the data needed to do the operation.
This was originally implemented in BCPL (the Basic Computer Programming Language), a predecessor of C based on CPL. Strachey invented CPL, which stood either for Christopher's Programming Language, the Combined Programming Language, or the Cambridge Programming Language, depending on who you talk to.
In systems with no protection, a file variable can be as simple as a pointer to the descriptor for the open file. This descriptor is typically created by the Open system service. If there is protection, the descriptor must be protected from the user program, so F, the file varialbe, is more complex than just a pointer. On Unix, for example, F is an integer index into a system maintained array of pointers to descriptors (the array is called the file table of the current process).
This approach to implementing device independance is strongly related to object oriented programming. A file is an object. The abstract data type "file" is amenable to multiple implementations, each requiring different code. Such a type is called a polymorphic type, and one requirement of the operating system context is that multiple implementations of the abstraction coexist, so that, for example, a user can have one open file refer to a file on disk, while another represents the keyboard.
In object oriented programming languages, the same approach described here is commonly used to implement polymorphic objects. The data structure representing the object contains pointers to the action routines that implement the abstract operations on the object.
An open disk file is an example of a virtual device just as much as a disk or a printer interface is, when presented through a device independent interface. Thus, we might see the following structure emerging in a modern file system implementation:
________ F --->| o--|--------> File System | o--|--------> Code |________| | | ________ | o--|------------>| o--|------> Disk I/O | | | o--|------> Code |________| |________| Descriptor of | | open disk file | | Data needed to | | access the disk |________| Descriptor of the disk itself.
Code to read and write an open disk file * May convert block size to that of disk. * Translates address of block in file to disk address on the real disk. The latter is Virtual Address Translation
The descriptor of the open disk file will typically contain buffers for block size conversions, and it will contain the data structure needed to convert addresses from file-relative form to absolute disk addresses.
The descriptor of the disk device itself will typically contain the information needed for disk scheduling, the queue needed to communicate with the disk interrupt service routines, and other information specific to the actual disk being used.
The read and write routines for the open disk file can be written in such a way that they call the standard, device independant read and write routines of the disk itself -- in effect, the read and write routines that implement the open disk file can be written as if they were user-level code.