Homework 4 Solutions

22C:116, Spring 2002

Douglas W. Jones
  1. Part A: If you wanted to make the example thread manager do preemptive context switching between user threads, using the processes interval timer to define the thread manager's time slice, and using a SIGALRM handler to do the context switching, should the signal handler be called on the current thread's own stack, or should it be called on a secondary stack reserved for signal handlers?
    The handler must be called on the thread's stack, not on a separate stack reserved for signals. The reason for this is that we need the activation of the handler to persist on the thread's stack so that control can return to this invocation of the handler by longjmp when the thread is next scheduled. The thread mechanism does not guarantee that the threads will return from their handlers in a LIFO order, so the activation records for the handlers cannot be stacked on a signal stack shared by all threads.

    Part B: Propose the code for the SIGALRM handler for a preemptive thread manager.

    void handle_sigalrm( int i )
    /* preempt current thread at end of timeslice */
    	sigset_t oset;
    	/* enter critical section */
    	sigprocmask( SIG_BLOCK, &thread_related_signal_mask, &oset );
    	if (_setjmp(current->state) == 0) {
    		thread_enqueue( current, &readylist );
    		current = thread_dequeue( &readylist );
    		/* exit critical section */
    		sigprocmask( SIG_SETMASK, &oset, NULL );
    		_longjmp(current->state, 1);
    	/* exit critical section */
    	sigprocmask( SIG_SETMASK, &oset, NULL );

    In this code, the set of signals that must be blocked during the critical section is not documented; generally, all asynchronously raised signals for which the process specifies a handler, where that handler uses any thread primitives or data structures, must blocked. Similar critical section code must be added to many other thread-related routines to prevent signals from being received while manipulating the thread queue or while manipulating the heap or making thread_unsafe system calls.

  2. Problems from the Text:
    Do problem 4 on page 263.
    A 128 megabyte memory divided into blocks of 64K requires no extra memory beyond the initial 32bit free-list pointer, to keep track of free blocks. We simply use the first 32-bit word of each free block to point to the next free block. The data structures Tannenbaum outlines are largely redundant except when the block size is variable. In that case, however, things get very messy.

    If block sizes are not uniform but are no longer than 64K, we need the data structure something like Tannenbaum describes, adding roughly 2 32-bit words to each block, or 8 bytes for each 64K block. 128M/64K = 2K - we have about 2K blocks in our memory, and 2K*8 bytes of overhead per block is 16K bytes of overhead, total.

    If we commit to 16K bytes of overhead, we could use this as a bit vector with 16K*8 bits, or 128K bits; 128M/128K = 1K, so this bit vector is big enough to describe 128M of memory divided into 1K blocks.

    Do problem 17 on page 265.

    Assume that the system starts a main memory cycle as it starts a TLB lookup, and then aborts the main memory cycle if there is a TLB hit, we always pay 1 nsec per memory reference, and we pay an extra 4 nsec for each TLB miss. If we want an average overhead of 2 nsec, we need a miss-rate m such that m*4=1 -- that is, our misses cost us an additional 1 nsec on the average. Thus, we can miss 1/4 of the time, which implies that we hit 3/4 of the time.

    Do problem 29 on page 266

    a) NRU - replaces either page 1 or 2 at random (if we assume the M bit to be zero on both pages), or it replaces 2 (if the strange notation on page 1 means the M bit is 1).
    b) FIFO - replaces page 3, the page loaded the longest time ago.
    c) LRU - replaces page 1, the page referenced the longest time ago.
    d) Second chance - replaces page 2, the oldest not-recently referenced page. page 2.

    Do problem 31 on page 266
    The system has 65536/4096 = 16 pages. The program takes 32768/4096 = 8 pages; the data takes 16386/4096 = 4.004 pages, but because we cannot divide pages between segments, we must allocate 5 pages. The stack takes 15870/4096 = 3.87 pages, for which we must allocate 4 pages. We need 1 more page than the 16 pages on this machine!

    If pages were 512 bits, the arithmetic would be as follows: We have 65536/512 = 128 pages, the program takes 32768/512 = 64 pages, the data takes 16386/512 = 32.003 pages, which rounds up to 33, and the stack takes 15870/512 = 30.99 pages, which rounds up to 31. 31+33+64 = 128, so we have just enough pages.

    Do problem 35 on page 267 If the program contains no self-modifying code, and if the object file is a simple binary image of the code segment -- with no need for a relocating loader, this scheme will work. In fact, it is common!

    This scheme also works for any pages that hold read-only data that is not subject to relocation at load time.

    Given that we have mark-bits on the page frames, we could implement a frugal system by initially mapping each code and static data page to the object file, and only when the mark bit is set would we map the page to a disk sector in the swap space just before writing out the modified page to that sector. This requires that the disk sector used to back up each page of the address space be dynamically assignable (or reassignable) instead of being computed from the virtual address, but given that we're willing to pay this price, the scheme works.
    Do problem 38 on page 267
    A one-level TLB is entirely compatable with a 2-level paged-segmented address space. We use the concatenated page and segment numbers for the lookup in the TLB and only split them to look up the required data in RAM if there is a TLB miss.