Assignment 1, due Jan. 19
Part of
the homework for CS:3620, Spring 2018
On all assignments, your name must be legible as it appears on your University ID card! Assignments are due at the start of class on the day indicated (usually Friday). Exceptions will be by advance arrangement unless there is what lawyers call "an act of God" (something outside your control). Homework must be turned in on paper, either in class or in the teaching assistant's mailbox. Never push late work under someone's door!
a) What computer instruction set(s) have you studied? Commercially available CPUs and fictional processors are equally relevant. (0.3 points)
b) Pick an instruction set you identified in part a and translate the following function to assembly language: (0.7 points)
Use your account to sign in to
(an alias for a cluster of Linux servers) using FastX.
The following link takes you to FastX:
FastX opens a remote Linux desktop. The MATE desktop has
an icon at the top to let you open a command line shell interface in the
a terminal window.
When it is time to end your session, the exit shell command will close your terminal window. To close your FastX session and log out of Linux, click on the LogOut button in the System pull-down menu on your Linux desktop.
For additional guidance, see:
A question:
Use a shell window on a CLAS Linux machine. Type the following
[HawkID@serv16 ~]$ ~dwjones/opsys
(Boldface in the above is the command you type, non-bold is the prompt
from the system; type the requested text verbatim, do not change a thing, do
not replace dwjones with your HawkID.)
Report the output you got.
If you did not make it all the way to the point where you could
do the above, report how far you got.
(1 point)
Here is a little C program to copy arbitrary files from standard input to standard output:
/* MP1 by --------- for CS:3620 */ #include <stdio.h> int main() { int ch; while ((ch = getchar()) != EOF) { putchar(ch); } }
a) Modify this program so that the header comment has your name instead of the dashes shown in the code above.
b) Modify it so that it deletes carriage return ('\r' in C) characters from the input. If you carelessly upload a text file from a Windows system, this makes your program useful -- it will strip out all of the extraneous carriage returns from the DOS-format line endings.
c) Modify it so that all control characters other than carriage return and line feed ('\r' and '\n') are replaced by two-character sequences consisting of an up-arrow (^) followed by the printing character you get by adding the code for '@' to the code for the control character. For our purposes, control characters are encoded by integer values less than space.
All of your code must conform, as much as is possible, to the manual of style:
The purpose of this assignment is to get you to use the departmental Linux servers, some text editor, and the C compiler, with a program somewhat more interesting than the classic hello world. Your solution must be in a file named mp1.c (all lower case). Submit your solution using the coursework submission tools documented at:
In short, you will type the shell command submit, with no arguments, and when it prompts for a file name, you will type mp1.c. and then an extra carriage return to indicate that there is only one file in your submission. When it prompts for a course, type CS3620 and when it prompts for an assignment directory, enter mp1.